Chapter 404 The Law of Gold ([-])

"Hehe, it's interesting, let's go, let's go back." The corners of Wukong's mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled lightly.

Then Wukong and his figure flashed, and they teleported to the Dasheng Palace deep in the Warcraft Mountains.

"Great Sage, do you really believe what they say? Within ten years, the Five Great Sage Emperors won't come to trouble us?" In the blink of an eye, the two arrived at the Great Sage Palace. As soon as they arrived at the inner hall of the Great Sage Palace, Shao Tian I couldn't help but asked Wukong.

"Hehe, I trust them." Wukong told himself intuitively that Ye Jietian didn't lie, and he didn't need to lie to himself, because Wukong knew that he was not their opponent now, if they really wanted to harm him, they would have made a move long ago , why wait

to ten years later.

Even if they have a conspiracy, in ten years, Wukong is confident that his strength will increase dozens of times or even more. By then, Wukong will not be afraid of the conspiracy of the Twelve Heavenly Saints, because Wukong firmly believes that under absolute power, all conspiracies will be defeated. It's all floating clouds.more important

Yes, Wukong has guessed who the teacher behind them is, so Wukong will not worry at all.

Although Shao Tian didn't understand, he didn't continue to ask.

"Shao Tian, ​​from today onwards, you are a member of the 'Mie Shi' team, as for what you need to do, you go to Taylor or Sith, they will tell you what to do, well, now you go to them Well, I want to retreat and practice, tell them, no

For big things, don't bother me, and at the same time let them hurry up and practice hard. "Wukong instructed Shao Tian.

"Understood, Great Holy Lord, I will take my leave." Shao Tian said respectfully.

"Well, back off." Wukong nodded.

After that, Shao Tian left the inner hall to find Taylor and Sith, while Wu Kong entered the secret room.

"Brother Wukong, you are back, who is so bold as to provoke you?" Yun Xuanling asked curiously as soon as Wukong entered the secret room.

When Wukong came in, he saw clearly the situation in the secret room. Zhuge Huanyu, Shangguan Ruoxi and Tang Huanxing were absorbing the energy of the pill, and only Yun Xuanling was idle.

"Hehe, they are the Twelve Heavenly Saints. They came to report that the Five Great Saint Emperors will not come to trouble us within ten years. Let's practice hard here for the next ten years." Wukong smiled and said.

"Brother Wukong, who is the Twelve Heavenly Saint?" Yun Xuanling asked curiously.

Then Wukong told Yun Xuanling what Shao Tian told him about the Twelve Heavenly Saints.

"We have never met them before, how could they be so kind to help us? Brother Wukong, is there a conspiracy?" Yun Xuanling worried.

"Haha, don't worry, they won't have any conspiracy, can't you guess who their teacher is?" Wukong said with a cheerful smile.

"Who is it? Is there anyone we know in the holy world?" Yun Xuanling said a little unresponsively, and then seemed to think of something, and said loudly: "Mie Shi, is it Mi Shi?"

"Hey, that's right, it's Mishi, and we don't know the holy gods of the holy world, so there is no reason to help us, and there is no reason to harm us, so 90.00% of the teacher they say is Mishi." Wukong said with a smile .

"Since no one will disturb our cultivation in the next ten years, Brother Wukong, hurry up and refine a few more pills to help us improve our strength." Yun Xuanling said with bright eyes.

Digression: The starting point is to come to the team to take over Tencent Male Channel, which may require major reforms. Books like mine with few clicks may be deleted. If this is the result, I will publish it on other websites. If it is not possible, Just continue to publish in the post bar, I will never be a eunuch, today is just a chapter, I hope everyone can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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