Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 414 Mysterious Spirit Appears

Chapter 414 The Profound Spirit Appears ([-])

As time went by, more and more people were vying for treasures. Gradually, almost everyone arrived, almost 30 people. These people were all looking at the huge light curtain from a distance, and no one rushed to the The huge light curtain seemed to be waiting for something.

There are three camps of people present that are more noticeable, because these three camps are composed of strong men above the level of saints, and they are all very large, with more than 200 people. There are only three major cities in the Death Plain for such a large formation. have such strength.

"It's actually the remains of Daoist Yuanxin, hahaha, I didn't expect to see the relics of Daoist Yuanxin again." At this moment, a rough voice suddenly came from the sphere of influence of the three major cities.

"What? The ruins of Yuanxin Daozu? Did I hear correctly?" This sentence immediately aroused other people's discussion.

"Of course you heard it right, brothers, go ahead, the relics of Yuanxin Daozu are right in front of you, as long as you get the treasures left by Yuanxin Daozu, it will not be difficult to prove the Daoist status in the future." Another person responded , and inspiring.

"Everyone, go ahead."

"The magic weapon is mine."

Immediately, a large number of ascetics at the level of saints and all monks below the level of saints frantically rushed towards the huge light curtain.

However, when a large number of these ascetics were about to approach the light curtain, the lightning storm around the light curtain quickly attacked those who approached, and those ascetics immediately opened up their defenses, and attacked the thunderstorm with all their strength, instantly tens of thousands of brilliance crashed into a lightning storm, accidentally

What happened, the thunder and lightning storm was not weakened at all, but it swallowed thousands of ascetics in an instant. These thousands of ascetics did not even scream, and instantly turned into nothingness, leaving nothing .

But the matter was not over yet, the ascetics who were not wiped out as soon as they came up wanted to retreat, but the lightning storm did not give them a chance. The area covered by the thunderstorm was very large, and tens of thousands of ascetics fell in the blink of an eye.

Nowadays, tens of thousands of treasure snatchers have fallen in the blink of an eye, most of them are quasi-sages or below, and only a few are at the level of saints.

Most of the people rushed up just now, but none of the people from the three major cities rushed up. The words just now, "It is actually the relic of Yuanxin Daozu", came from the camp of the three major cities. Obviously they said it on purpose. It is to let those who are controlled by Yuanxin Daozu
The news of the relics rushed crazy people to be cannon fodder.

Of course, there are still many people who have not been driven crazy by the interests and rushed forward regardless of the consequences. Wukong and others are exactly this kind of people, they did not rush towards the light curtain rashly.

"Wukong, that lightning storm is so powerful, how do we get in?" Zixia asked Wukong in shock seeing so many ascetics instantly turned into nothingness by the lightning storm.

"Hey, do you know how powerful you are? Are you scared? I advise you to stay outside. It's so dangerous before you go in. After you go in, if you are really in danger, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the eldest brother to protect you." Wukong hasn't spoken yet, Qi Yanfeng
He said it first.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid. I don't need Wukong's protection. I can protect myself." Zixia said stubbornly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will protect you." Wukong assured Zixia with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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