Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 416 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 416

"Haha, I didn't say that I'm not greedy. I'm not like someone who is obviously greedy but unwilling to admit that I am greedy. I also used the ignorance of some juniors to trick them into dying in order to weaken the energy of the Qiankun Thunderstorm." , in this case, after the energy of Qiankun Thunderstorm is consumed by them

, you people from the three major cities can easily enter the Xuanling Canyon, and you can also preserve your strength. After entering, you will have enough strength to snatch more treasures. You are really despicable! "Nangong Chiyan said tit for tat.

The heaven and earth thunderstorm around the light curtain was produced by the aura of heaven and earth gathered here a few days ago. There is no formation eye, and there are no fairy stones or magic weapons to support the operation of the formation. It can only be regarded as a pseudo universe Thunderstorm is a semi-finished product, as long as there is enough energy to offset it, it will be able to

Break this formation.But don't underestimate this enough energy, it is very huge, comparable to all the mana of a super strong man in the early stage of Dao.

Otherwise, Luo Tianxiang could deceive those quasi-sages and saint-level ascetics to consume the energy of the Qiankun Thunderstorm.

"You." Just as Luo Tianxiang was about to say something more, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Brother Luo, stop arguing with him. We don't want to do this. It's important." An old man in a blue robe in the three major cities said.

"Well, brother Zhan is right, the business is important." Luo Tianxiang said in a slow tone, and then he only heard Luo Tianxiang's tone change, and said coldly: "Will you choose to work together to break this thunderstorm of heaven and earth, or choose to be defeated?" I kill?"

Luo Tianxiang's voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears, and immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone except the three major cities. Although they were dissatisfied, not many people dared to show it.

"Hmph, if the tricks don't work, just use force to threaten the weak." Wukong said inwardly with disdain.

"Haha, let me say Luo Tianxiang, City Lord of Luo. You really are not so shameless that you threaten those juniors in public. I think you should give up the position of City Lord of Zhendong City. You have completely lost the reputation of Zhendong City." Nangong Chiyan laughed loudly.

Luo Tianxiang didn't pay attention to Nangong Chiyan any more, but exuded a strong coercion on those quasi-sages and saint ascetics who didn't have a strong man of heaven around them, putting a little pressure on them, trying to make them succumb.

"City Lord Luo, if I don't work together to break the thunderstorm, will you kill me too? I don't know if you will kill me yourself, or if you people from the three major cities work together to kill me?" At this moment , Another icy voice sounded, look at the owner of this voice

The person is a young man in a white shirt.

I saw this person's body was dignified and his appearance was dignified.A pair of eyes shot cold stars, and two eyebrows were like paint.The chest is wide and broad, and there is a majesty that is invincible.The words are majestic, and the ambition of thousands of Zhang Lingyun is spit out.

"Hehe, Brother Leng, how dare I do anything to you! Who in the entire Death Plain doesn't know that you are recognized as the number one powerhouse of outsiders. I am your opponent, and it is even more impossible for me to unite with other people to besiege you. Leng Brother, you are joking." Luo Tianxiang did not accompany him this time.

Smiling, it can be seen that this cold type is not simple, and he can make the city lord of Zhendong City so respectful. In this world where strength is respected, his strength must not be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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