Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 420 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 420

"This is an illusion, and only through this illusion can we truly enter the periphery of Xuanling Canyon." Qi Yanfeng explained.

"Oh." Zixia replied.

"By the way, Wukong, Yanfeng, how did you do it? How can you ignore the thunder and wind gust of heaven and earth? None of the strong men with great perfection in the way of heaven can do it." Xuan Xi asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's actually very simple. It's a protective cover formed by combining the laws of heaven and the power of nothingness. With this protective cover, we can not be afraid of the attack of thunder and lightning storms." Wukong explained with a smile.

"Wukong, how did you know this method? Did you tell Wukong again, Brother Qi?" Zixia was very curious about Qi Yanfeng's identity, but Wukong didn't say anything, so she didn't ask about the news about the birth of Xuanling Canyon. It was Qi Yanfeng who told Wukong
Yes, so Zixia thinks that Qi Yanfeng told Wukong the way to crack the Qiankun Thunderstorm.

"Hehe, that's right." Wukong confirmed.

"Brother Qi, how do you know so many unknown things about Xuanling Canyon?" Zixia finally couldn't help asking Qi Yanfeng.

Xuan Xi was also very curious about Qi Yanfeng's identity and why he knew so many secrets of Xuanling Canyon, so he also stared closely at Qi Yanfeng, waiting for his answer.

"Hey, you really want to know." Qi Yanfeng smiled strangely.

"Yeah." Zixia nodded.

"Then let me tell you, you have to listen carefully." After Qi Yanfeng finished speaking, he paused, seeing Zixia and Xuanxi looking at him expectantly, so he took a deep breath and said: "This is a secret, haha. "

"You, you rascal." Zixia said angrily.

Xuan Xi also shrugged in disappointment, Qi Yanfeng didn't want to say it, and he couldn't force it.

Wukong looked at a few people and shook his head helplessly.

"Second brother, how should we break this illusion?" Wukong asked Qi Yanfeng.

"It's very easy to break this phantom formation, just follow me." Qi Yanfeng said confidently.

Then Qi Yanfeng stepped forward, his footwork was illusory, every step seemed to have a great mystery, ordinary practitioners would benefit a lot if they could comprehend one step, this set of footwork was absolutely extraordinary, Wukong and the three followed Qi Yanfeng's walk.

Soon the scene in front of Wukong and others changed again. This time, what appeared in the eyes of Wukong and others was a huge canyon stretching thousands of miles. Outside the canyon, there was a thousand-mile stone wall blocking it. This wall was not very high. Only two meters, so Wukong and others can
With a clear view of the canyon behind.

Although the wall is only two meters high, there is basically a magic weapon every ten miles above the wall. Obviously, these magic weapons are to prevent intruders. It seems that it is not so easy to enter the canyon, no wonder Xuan Xi His master Tianchen Taoist just entered Xuanling
On the outskirts of the canyon, each of these magic weapons is not simple, and it will definitely drive countless ascetics crazy.

"Wow, so many magic weapons!" Zixia exclaimed with little stars in her eyes.

"This, this." Although Xuan Xi heard from his master, but seeing so many powerful magic weapons with his own eyes, he still couldn't calm down.

Just when Wukong and others entered the outskirts of Xuanling Canyon for about a cup of tea, Leng Hanxing and more than 100 heavenly powers appeared on the endless desert.

(End of this chapter)

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