Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 443 The Ultimate Immortal Artifact

Chapter 443 Ultimate Immortal Artifact ([-])

After that, Li Huanyang went down the mountain to practice, and met Fang Feiyu, the young master of Xianyuanmen. Unexpectedly, Fang Feiyu learned that Li Huanyang was carrying a top-grade fairy weapon, so he revealed his true face of hypocrisy, and waited for an opportunity to capture Li Huanyang. Ultimate Immortal Artifact.

In fact, Li Huanyang is too pure and kind, and he doesn't know the reason for his crime. There are not many top-grade fairy artifacts in the entire Zishen plane, which shows how precious they are. The heads of the three immortal sects, including Yongfengzong, knew that Li Huanyang had the highest-grade immortal artifact, so they probably would have lowered their identity snatching.

In the fairy city, no one is allowed to fight and kill, so Fang Feiyu has never attacked Li Huanyang. Today, Li Huanyang finally left the city. As soon as Fang Feiyu left the city, he surrounded Li Huanyang to prevent him from escaping, and the result happened. The situation above.

"Hmph, let's see if you don't have that ability anymore." Li Huanyang glared at Fade Chen coldly.

"I don't know what's good or bad, look at the trick, it's cold and evil." I saw Fade Chen slapping it with his right hand.

A gust of yin and cold air emanated from his palm, sweeping around like a hurricane, icy cold, and the surrounding Xianyuanmen disciples immediately retreated.

Li Huanyang smiled coldly, and a red sword appeared in his right hand. As soon as the red sword came out, a fire dragon jumped out, and the temperature around him immediately rose a lot.

Fade Chen immediately increased the output, and a thick layer of ice formed on the ground around him in an instant.

"Fade Chen, hurry up and take the Chixiao Sword from his hand." At this moment, Fang Feiyu shouted nervously, he wanted to make a quick decision, but he didn't want to attract more people to snatch it.

It's a pity that it's too late, and the cultivators nearby have already seen it.

"Oh my God! Am I not mistaken? Is that the ultimate fairy weapon!?" The onlookers exclaimed.

"Hurry up, go back and report to the city lord, and say that there is a top-grade fairy weapon here." The commander of the city guard army immediately ordered a soldier next to him.

"Quickly, inform the sect master of the situation here." Another disciple of the sect said to the people beside him.

All of a sudden, all the onlookers gathered around, also wanting to snatch the top-grade celestial weapon Chixiao Sword from Li Huanyang's hand.

"Zheng!" With a crisp sound, the fire dragon transformed from the Chixiao Sword was caught by Fade Chen with one hand.

Fade Chen grabbed the fire dragon without losing momentum. At this time, a black iron claw appeared on Fade Chen's right hand. It was obviously a top-level low-grade fairy weapon. Fade Chen stuck out his right hand, and a huge sharp claw clawed at Li. Huanyang's Tianling Gai.

Apparently Fade Chen wanted to kill Li Huanyang, and then take the top grade fairy weapon from him.

Seeing Fade Chen attacking him, of course Li Huanyang would not sit still. Although there was a gap of two realms in cultivation between the two, Li Huanyang was not afraid of the opponent at all, instead he fought calmly.

Li Huanyang held the Chixiao Sword in front of him, pointed the sword at Fade Chen, and squeezed the sword formula with his hands. In an instant, extremely sharp and dazzling sword lights appeared out of thin air, and rushed towards Fade Chen who was attacking.

"Bang." There was a vibration in the space, and strong air currents scattered in all directions, forcing everyone to retreat immediately.

"Hmph, what do you want to do? This is the treasure of our Xianyuan Sect, you dare to fight for it? Don't you want to live?" Looking at the cultivators gradually surrounding him, Fang Feiyu immediately snorted coldly, and at the same time a powerful and infinite Horsepower radiated from Fang Feiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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