Chapter 449 Surrender ([-])

The tone was very arrogant, and there was no room for discussion with the other party.

"What? You asked our Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect to serve your young master, who are you? Are you too arrogant? Why do you ask us to serve you?" Lan Chengtian said angrily, and his physical strength and immortal energy were continuously lost to his hands. If the words disagree, Lan Chengtian will

Will fight with Wukong and others.

"Bang." Di Huangtian's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of Lan Chengtian, and then quickly punched Lan Chengtian firmly in the stomach.

"Ah!" Lan Chengtian screamed, and his body immediately flew upside down, and the celestial power that was prepared all over his body was instantly scattered, and he stopped flying upside down only after Lan Chengtian crashed through several fairy mountains.

"How? Now you say why we have two choices for you, one is to lead the entire Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect and serve our young master, the other is to die and lose your soul." Di Huangtian's cold voice spread to Lan, who was thousands of miles away. In the ears all day long.

"Cough cough." Lan Chengtian, who climbed out of a pile of rubble thousands of miles away, coughed a few times, and even spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Looking at his face, he was very pale.

Lan Chengtian staggered to his feet, looking forward with horror on his face, he wanted to run away but didn't dare to run away, he knew that if he didn't make a choice today, the entire Thunder Heaven Sect might disappear from this world.

At this time, Lan Chengtian's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart. Finally, Lan Chengtian made a decision, soared into the sky, and flew towards Wukong's outer mountain.

Di Huangtian was not afraid of Lan Chengtian's escape, he had already locked Lan Chengtian in, and Lan Chengtian could not escape, so Di Huangtian returned behind Wukong after saying that, waiting for Lan Chengtian's reply.

Lin Batian and the others knelt on the ground at this time, lowering their heads even lower. They heard Lan Chengtian's screams, and they trembled with fright. Tens of thousands of years or even 10,000+ years, they don't want to just
He died for no apparent reason, especially the disciples of the Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect, many of whom had fainted from fright.

No one has ever dared to do this to them. The Leitian Immortal Sect is the number one sect in the Zifeng Continent. Which of their disciples go out, they are not the objects of fawning, but now they are suppressed by others and kneeling on the ground like a dead dog. look up and yourself
When people's lives will be lost at any time, how can they not be unwilling, shocked, fearful and angry.

Wukong and the others didn't speak, and Lin Batian and the others didn't dare to make a sound. At this moment, there was silence all around, deathly silence, even if a needle dropped at this time, one could clearly hear it.

Lan Chengtian quickly returned to Wukong and the others.

"Who are you guys? What's your purpose?" Lan Chengtian stared at Wukong and the others and said.

"Who we are, you don't need to know. You will know the purpose soon. You only need to answer my question now, whether you choose to serve me or choose to die. Of course, if you invest in me, the benefits will naturally not be less. and we're only here

For several years or decades, your sect is still yours. I am just the master behind your scenes. After we leave, we have nothing to do with you. You are still the leader of the three major immortal sects in Zifeng Continent. I will give you a cup of tea. Considering the time of tea, how to choose, I think

You'll figure it out. " Wukong said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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