Chapter 470 Auction Disturbance ([-])
"Pfft! Puff! Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from Leng Xiaoyi's mouth, and then Leng Xiaoyi tilted his body and fell from the sky. At the same time, the other two disciples of the Illusory World Sect also vomited blood, and their spirits shrank.

"Bang!" Leng Xiaoyi fell to the ground, splashing a layer of dust.

"Why, ahem, how is it possible? You, who are you?" Leng Xiaoyi intermittently pointed at Yifeng and said, his voice was trembling, his tone was full of infinite fear, and he was completely different from the arrogant appearance just now. And it seems that

The injuries were also serious.

"Who are we? You don't have the qualifications to know. You just need to know that you three are going to be unlucky today. You two guys should remember that this guy dragged you into the water. If you have anything to do, ask him to settle the score." Yifeng said with a smile, while not forgetting
Although he knows it's useless to sow dissension, it's also good for him to tease and entertain.

At this moment, Yifeng's smile like a spring breeze, in the eyes of Leng Xiaoyi and the others, was so evil and terrifying, they wished to go up and kill Yifeng immediately, but they found that it was a bit difficult for them to even move at this moment, Let alone fighting Yifeng,
They found that their Yuanshen and Zifu were damaged, their breath was disordered, and they couldn't operate their mana normally. This discovery made them even more shocked, and they were even more afraid of Yifeng.

"Senior Brother Yifeng, it's time for you to stop. Aunt Mei said that the two of us would teach them a lesson, but you did it alone. Don't you take Aunt Mei's words seriously?" At this moment, the spirit Qing stepped forward and said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, how dare I not take Aunt Mei's words seriously. I just took them down for you first, and then gave them a lesson for you. Now their Yuanshen and Zifu have been injured by me. For a while After a while they couldn't use their mana, and then he

We will teach your junior sister a lesson. "Yifeng said flatteringly, and then Yifeng retreated to the side of the mysterious woman and others.

Wukong watched all these things happening from the side, as if he had nothing to do with him, looking like he was watching a good show, only to see the corners of Wukong's mouth slightly raised, and said softly: "The good show is about to begin."

Although Wukong said very lightly, none of the people present were ordinary people. Zixia and others, Li Huanyang, the mysterious woman and Leng Xiaoyi who were relatively close to each other still heard it, and the one standing at the gate of the city The two guards also heard it, but except for Zixia

Waiting for someone, the others didn't know what he meant, and they didn't care what he meant, but those cultivators who hid far away didn't hear clearly.

"What are you going to do? Stop, we are inner disciples of Huanshizong, kill us, Huanshizong will never let you go.

Seeing Ling Qing, a beautiful woman who looks like a flower in a closed moon, approaching him and the others step by step, the hearts of Leng Xiaoyi and the other three seemed to be hit by a huge hammer, and their hearts trembled, so Leng Xiaoyi said sternly.

"Wait, they have already been severely injured by you, what are you going to do? You have to forgive them and forgive them." Suddenly, a figure flashed by, and upon closer inspection, it appeared between Ling Qing, Leng Xiaoyi and the other three. One person, this person is the Sheng Gongzi Li Huanyang.

"Are you going to help them?" Lingqing stopped for a while, a hint of disgust flashed across her icy face, and then said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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