Chapter 472 Auction Disturbance ([-])
"Who is making trouble here? Leng Xiaoyi, Zhang Da, Zhao Meng, what happened to you three? Who injured you?" Before Li Huanyang could speak, a domineering voice suddenly came.

I saw four or fifty people coming out of the city one after another, including the guard who had reported the letter to ask for support. The leader was a young man in silver armor. It was as if an ancient fairy mountain was moving forward, and an overlord's aura that looked down on the world rushed towards him.

"Senior Brother Qin, you are here, Senior Brother Qin, this group of people seriously injured us, they still want to kill us, they don't pay attention to our Huanshizong at all, you have to decide for us, cough cough." When Leng Xiaoyi saw someone coming, he immediately pointed to Lingqing and the others excitedly and said.

"Well, you help Leng Xiaoyi and the others up, Leng Xiaoyi, are there still some troublemakers who have escaped?" The visitor said loudly to Leng Xiaoyi and the others with a high-pitched look. Tough, with no concern at all, as if they were not his fellow apprentices.

Immediately, six city guards stepped forward to help Leng Xiaoyi and the other three people up.

"That's right, four or fifty people did escape, but they are nothing to worry about. They are all low-strength cultivators. I have already sent more than a dozen people to hunt them down. I only need to send some more people to cooperate, and we will be able to kill them." They all captured them." Although the tone of the visitor was not good, Leng Xiaoyi and the other three did not dare to contradict, but said very humbly.

In particular, it can be seen that the status of the comer in the Huan Shizong is definitely much higher than that of Leng Xiaoyi and the other three.

"You go to another 30 people and catch those fugitives." The visitor ordered the city guard behind him.

"Yes." One of the city guards said respectfully, and then led thirty city guards to chase in the direction pointed by Leng Xiaoyi.

After the city guards left, Lingqing and the others began to gather in large numbers. At the same time, he also saw Li Huanyang and Wukong and others not far away.

Ignoring Wukong and others and Lingqing's group, the visitor laughed and walked towards Li Huanyang, and said boldly: "It turns out to be Brother Li, the holy son. When did Brother Li come, I didn't inform you, so that I can help you." Brother, come and receive me in advance."

"Brother Qin, I haven't been here for long. What happened here is purely a misunderstanding. I hope Brother Qin can take care of my subordinates, hold them up high, and let them go. This matter will be turned into a small one, and a trivial matter will be turned into nothing." Li Huanyang replied with a salute. clasped fists.

"That person seems to be Qin Batian, an elite disciple of the Illusionary World Sect. I heard that he has cultivated the Xuanxian Realm a hundred years ago. He has achieved such an achievement at such a young age. He is indeed an elite disciple of the Illusory World Sect." Discussed in a low voice.

"Idol, Qin Batian is mighty."

"Since Brother Li said it was a misunderstanding, I believe what Brother Li said. In this case, I will not pursue their troubles. However, for hurting my disciples of the Fantasy World Sect and trampling on the majesty of my Fantasy World Sect, this kind of serious crime is not just forgiven by me. I can forgive you, as a disciple of the Huanshizong, and the commander of the third city guard of Huanshicheng, I naturally want to take them down, and how to deal with them is up to the higher-ups to decide, I hope Brother Li can understand this and don't stop it." Qin Batian greeted him with a smile at first, and then suddenly turned the phone, telling his own difficulties and the serious crime he had imposed on Lingqing and his group.

(End of this chapter)

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