Chapter 480 Auction Storm ([-])
"Eh? Since Sun Gongzi and the others are not free, then I won't bother you. I'll send a few of you out." Although Nangong Yihen was prepared that Wukong and the others would reject him, when the other party really refused At the time, I was still a little disappointed.

So under the guidance of Nangong Yihen and others, Wukong and others walked outside.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Nangong Yihen and others walking respectfully beside Wukong and others, and the people around immediately started talking.

"Look, isn't that President Nangong, Vice President Li and Elder Baili? Why are they so respectful to those young people? Who are those young people?"

"Didn't you hear what happened at the gate of the city before? The two immortal masters of the Fantasy World Sect were waved by a gray-robed young man, and they disappeared without a trace. They haven't returned yet. I heard that the group consisted of four men and one woman, it seems to be him

They. "

"Ah! Judging from their appearance, they should have cultivated for less than 10 years, but they are so powerful. Could it be that they are the children of the great power of the King Galaxy or even the Emperor Galaxy?"

"If only I could get to know them."

Although cultivators can achieve immortality, the lifespan of cultivators with low cultivation bases is still limited, but it is very long-term. Like cultivators in the wild universe, their appearance will grow with age before they reach the status of saints And changed.

The older you get, the bigger your appearance will be. Of course, the appearance of those with stronger strength will age slower. The appearance of Wukong and the others in the eyes of everyone is just the appearance of a human being around 20 years old, and his strength is at least a strong person at the level of a fairy. , should be no more than one hundred thousand years old.

This is basically the case in many universes. Only by attaining the sage status or above can one truly transcend life and death, and reach the realm of immortality, immortality, and immortality. Of course, being killed by others is not included.

After Wukong and others left the Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce, they came all the way to the Fantasy World Pavilion. Wukong and others planned to stay here for two days. Of course, this time Wukong did not say that there were no star coins. This time Wukong took the power of stars between heaven and earth. , transformed into ten planetary coins to pay for the two

A day's accommodation fee is equivalent to [-] star coins.

In this regard, Wukong and others stayed in the Fantasy Pavilion.

The five sets of Tianzi houses are also considered to be worth the money. The main room of each house is an independent small space. The vitality of heaven and earth inside is very strong, which is almost twenty times that of the outside world. Besides, others don't need

For cultivation, what they need now is to use the vitality of heaven and earth to condense their physical bodies and expand their purple mansion, so as to increase their mana.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Huanshi City was in a state of chaos. With a wave of a young cultivator surnamed Sun, the two Immortal Masters of Huanshizong vanished without a trace. It took several hours to come back, and what was even more weird was that the two immortal masters actually

They were not injured (at least as far as everyone saw, they showed no signs of injury. Whether they recovered after using elixir is not known to everyone, and it is impossible for them to say it themselves).

It was just thrown out, which shows how strong the control of this young cultivator surnamed Sun is. Of course, these are people's guesses, after all, they are not the parties involved.

(End of this chapter)

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