Chapter 486 Auction Storm ([-])
Xuan Xi and Di Huangtian were the same, they were extremely surprised and looked at the black beads on the auction stage in disbelief.

"Hehe, I can't see it either, but there is a mysterious energy calling me from it." Wukong said with a smile.

Suddenly, Wukong and the others noticed that there was a divine sense probing towards the special VIP room where they were. Xuanxi and Di Huangtian were about to teach this ignorant person a lesson, but they were stopped by Wukong.

"Don't act rashly, let him go." After finishing speaking, Wukong glanced at the VIP room where the young man in white was, of course, the restriction of the VIP room where the young man in white was located was useless in Wukong's eyes.

"The price for the No. 200 special VIP room is 200 million. Has anyone asked for a higher price? [-] million, once." Elder Baili didn't expect this bead to be called for such a high price, but he has also seen the world. and he also knows the number one VIP

Who is the person in the room, so he shouted very calmly.

"300 million." It was that lazy voice again.

"Huh!" The cultivators around were even more shocked at this time.

Even Wukong looked at the young man in white carefully after hearing this sentence, but it didn't matter if he didn't look at him, he immediately discovered a big secret, but Wukong was also a little surprised and didn't show it immediately.

"1000 million." Before everyone could react, Wukong quoted a higher price.

"Oh my god, 1000 million, crazy, crazy, this person must be crazy, 1000 million Chenxing coins can buy such a magic weapon that can be bought for hundreds of thousands." The hall suddenly became noisy.

"This price increase is too high."

"Boss, this person seems to want to compete with you, but luckily you don't lack star coins, boss. I think he is looking for excitement to compare star coins with you." The white kitten lying in the arms of the young man in white He raised his head and said.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" As soon as the white kitten raised its head, it found something strange about his boss's complexion.

The words of the white kitten immediately caught the attention of the other four strange beasts, and they turned their attention to the young man in white at the same time.

"Just now that person actually knew my background and how much wealth I have, and told me to give up." The young man in white said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"What? How is it possible? Boss, do you want to give that person away?" At this moment, the little golden lion behind the young man in white jumped forward and said.

"No, that person actually knows the details and wealth of the boss. I'm afraid it's not easy. We'd better be careful and not act rashly." The blue snake objected.

"Boss, let me meet that person for a while." The white kitten said.

"Let me do it." The little green turtle opened its eyelids and said.

"The few of you know how to fight and kill. The elder brother is right. I'm afraid that person is not something we can deal with. We can't act rashly. We should first listen to what the boss should do." The red bird said.

"Hmph, if you know my details and wealth, then I'll see how much you know." The young man in white pressed the blue button after speaking, and said, "2000 million."

"My God, who is such a prodigal?" This person's question did not answer him.
"Who is in the No. 16 private room? Tell him to stop bidding. It will be bad if you offend those few." asked.

(End of this chapter)

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