Chapter 489 Auction Storm (21)
Those in the other VIP rooms except No.16 VIP room and the other four special VIP rooms except the No. [-] special VIP room where Wukong was located were also in a stunned state of shock.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in blue had already passed out blissfully. Before he fainted, he was still muttering: "One, one, ten billion, stars, coins, haha, I sent it." Fortunately, the others were also in a sluggish state. status, didn’t pay attention to him at all, or else it is estimated that he will

He will be stared at by many people. At that time, he will have his life to take the money, and his life to send the money.

Wukong's words immediately awakened everyone who was in a state of shock, and immediately everyone started talking.

"Quiet, quiet." Elder Baili yelled after waking up. Following Elder Baili's yelling, everyone quickly quieted down. At this time, their eyes were conditionally looking at the No. 16 VIP room. It seems to be waiting for NO.16 to raise the price again.

"Boss, it seems that you can't buy this bead, why don't we go grab it later." The white kitten said.

"That's all there is to it, but you can't grab it openly, you can only grab it secretly. We don't know the strength of that person, and it is probably not lower than ours, so we need to be careful in everything." Ling Yuchen said helplessly.

Elder Baili on the auction stage was also looking at the No.16 VIP room with piercing eyes at this time, as if waiting for the No.16 VIP room to raise the price again. After all, he had to continue hosting the auction, so Elder Baili said: Tremblingly said: "No. [-] special VIP room,

One, [-], [-] stellar lumens, is there any higher offer. "

After looking at the No.16 VIP room, there was no sound, Elder Baili continued: "100 billion stars, one time."

After waiting for a while, there was still no response, Elder Baili swallowed and continued: "100 billion stars, twice."

Many people looked away in disappointment, and then Elder Baili said again: "100 billion stars, three times, this mysterious bead belongs to the No. [-] VIP room."

Just this time, a quaint ring flew out from the No. [-] VIP room and flew directly to the auction stage.

Elder Baili caught the ring, swept his consciousness inside, and said, "There is nothing wrong with 100 billion stars."

"He really took out 100 billion stellar coins! Now that he spends so much stellar coins, wouldn't he buy the next items?" Everyone in the hall couldn't calm down at this time.

Then Elder Baili sent someone to send the mysterious beads to the No. [-] special VIP room where Wukong was.

"Let's go, we'll deliver it in person." Song Liang in the No. [-] special VIP room said to Zhuge Qingyun and others beside him.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the No. [-] VIP room where Wukong was, and Song Liang's voice came in: "Mr. Sun, the mysterious beads you bid for have been delivered." At this time, Song Liang's voice became even louder. My respect is even more respectful than when I saw Wukong before.


"Come in!" Wukong said flatly.

"Crackling." Then Song Liang and others pushed the door open and entered.

"Mr. Sun, this is the mysterious bead that you bid for." Song Liang walked around the ice crystal jade bed to Wukong's side, and respectfully handed it to Wukong with the jade plate on which the mysterious bead was placed.

"En." Wukong was not surprised that it was Song Liang, the patriarch of the Illusory World Sect, who sent the mysterious beads, but he just gave Song Liang a faint look.

(End of this chapter)

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