Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 494 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 494 The ten-year agreement ([-])
"Miss, are we really going to wait for those people here?" Lingqing asked the mysterious woman in a low voice, where the mysterious woman and her party were also waiting for the appearance of Wukong and the others in the office hall of the Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce.

"Well, even if we can't win him over for father's use, we should get acquainted. At least we should become friends first. It would be good for us to have another strong friend. If we go back, father will be happy." The mysterious woman nodded and said.

"Huh? Isn't this Princess Dieying? You are waiting for someone here! Could it be that you are waiting for me?" At this moment, a frivolous voice sounded.

Seeing the person coming, the mysterious woman was surprised and said, "It's you? Ling Yuchen, aren't you dead? How is that possible?"

Not only the mysterious woman was surprised, but even Aunt Mei and the others also showed expressions of surprise. At the same time, Aunt Mei exclaimed: "Ling Yuchen, what is your cultivation level? Have you certified the quasi-sage status?"

The words 'princess', 'Ling Yuchen' and 'quasi-sage' immediately attracted the attention of all the cultivators around.

"What princess? Ling Yuchen, isn't that Xiaoyao Xianzun Ling Yuchen? Quasi-sage? What? He has already certified the quasi-sage status, so isn't he now a Xiaoyao quasi-sage? God! I'm so lucky Seeing the legendary Xiaoyao Xianzun, oh, no, it is Xiaoyao Zhun

St. "Suddenly a cultivator sighed loudly.

"It's really Xiaoyao Xianzun, hurry up, go and pay a visit to Xiaoyao Xianzun, we can't let other forces take the lead." A sect master who recognized Ling Yuchen immediately shouted.

"Hey! I wanted to keep a low profile, but you ruined it, so I'll take a step forward, Princess Dieying, and I'll visit Shengtian Palace another day, and there will be a later date." Ling Yuchen sighed, and his figure gradually blurred until he disappeared. .

"Princess, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave quickly." After Aunt Mei finished speaking, she saw a ray of light appear on Die Ying and the others, and then Die Ying and her group disappeared.

Seeing this situation, everyone was shocked for a while, and then there was a commotion.

"Did you hear that just now, Xianzun Xiaoyao said that the woman wearing the veil is a princess, but said that he will go to the Holy Heaven Palace to pay a visit another day. Could it be the Holy Heaven Palace of the Holy Heaven Realm?"

"Nonsense, apart from the Holy Heaven Realm having a Holy Heaven Palace, which faction dares to call itself the Holy Heaven Palace? My God, the princess from the Holy Heaven Palace actually came to us. Miraculous things happen every year, especially this year."

"This time, our Fantasy World Plane is about to become famous. Not only did the legendary Xiaoyao Immortal Venerable appear in this auction, what is even more shocking is that he has already obtained the Quasi-Saint Fruit Status, and there is also the The princess has come to our fantasy world, and there is that grandson
, I don’t know who the big shot is, and it’s definitely not simple. "

"Looking at it this way, maybe there will be some big names in the talent competition in a month's time. I heard that Li Huanyang, the first genius of our Chiyan Star Alliance, has also come, and it seems that he is here to participate in the talent competition. of."

"That's right, we must not miss it when the time comes. Like today, although we didn't get to talk to them, we are lucky to be able to meet those big shots."

To the east of the Fantasy City, there is the Qinghen Mountain Range, which stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. It is one of the three dangerous places in the Fantasy World Plane. There are countless immortals and beasts in it.

(End of this chapter)

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