Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 510 Mysterious Jade Pendant

Chapter 510 Mysterious Jade Pendant ([-])
"This?" Bai Jingjing knew that Wukong was Sun Wukong who came from another space-time universe. She was very happy and surprised at first, but when she heard Wukong suddenly said that she was going to leave and gave her a noble medicine, she was a little at a loss.

But Bai Jingjing quickly reacted, so Bai Jingjing hurriedly said: "Brother Wukong, I can't take this pill, you should put it away and use it yourself. I want to ask you a question, can you answer me?"

"I know what question you want to ask. You will meet the Monkey King of this universe in the future. He has an unfinished relationship with Zixia and you in it. Well, I should go too. Maybe we will have a chance to meet again. "Wukong answered with a smile, and then saw
Wukong's figure gradually blurred and gradually disappeared.

Bai Jingjing stood there blankly for a while before realizing it, then looked at the three quaint space rings hanging in front of her, silently accepted the rings, and then walked towards the living room.

The prehistoric universe, the human world, and the earth.

Wukong came to Earth China again. This time Wukong has been on Earth for three days, but he still hasn't found any useful clues.

"I didn't expect me to be so famous on this earth. There are dozens of movies and shows about me, and hundreds of novels about me. Although most of them have not been written, it is conceivable. out, I'm quite popular, although most

Several stories are different from the facts, but some of them are also consistent. How do these people on earth know?strangeness?I can't figure out the reason at all. It seems that the stories made up by those people on earth coincide with some facts unexpectedly. Everything is too coincidental. "Wukong

Baidu some novels about himself in the Internet cafe, thinking to himself in doubt.

Although most of the novels about Wukong are eunuchs, in fact, the main reason is that the character of Wukong was portrayed too successfully by Journey to the West, and his personality was basically stereotyped, which led to later generations writing novels about Wukong. If they are praised by many readers, will be special

Success, such as the story of Wukong, if the image of Wukong created makes readers dissatisfied, it will cause a large number of readers to curse, and finally the eunuch will fail due to various reasons.

When Wukong was looking at the information, this was a European and American who walked behind Wukong. Seeing this European and American, Wukong couldn't help feeling in his heart: "This earth is really special. There are so many people who don't exist in other regions of the prehistoric universe." species, except this

The earth and other regions are only human beings similar to Huaxia China, even the gods in the fairy world are also similar to Huaxia people. What can this strange phenomenon explain? "

As time passed, Wukong was still looking at the novels and movies about himself, trying to see if he could find some breakthroughs.

"Huh?" Wukong is reading a novel about himself now, the more he reads it, the more startled he becomes, and the more he reads, the more incredible he feels, but Wukong is only shocked in his heart, and there is no trace of emotional fluctuation on the surface.

"Wukong fights to turn to Hongmeng, the story described in this novel is exactly the same as what I experienced, what, what's going on?" Even though Wukong is very calm and calm when encountering things now, this incident still brought Wukong Not a small shock, Wukong's heart

His emotions could not be calmed down for a long time, and they were as rough as the sea, constantly rising and falling.

(End of this chapter)

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