Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 522 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 522 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])
"Bang." With a loud noise, Wukong was knocked flying by an invisible force.

"Hahahaha, the sacrifice is complete." At the same time, only Zhuge Huanyu laughed loudly and unscrupulously.

At this time, there were no figures flying into the purple-gold chessboard in front of Zhuge Huanyu. The figures that flew in just now were definitely not less than quadrillion trillion, basically the number of practitioners in the entire primordial universe.

"Brother Wukong." "Huanyu." Yun Xuanling and Shangguan Ruoxi shouted at the same time.

"Don't come here." Wukong stabilized his figure after flying upside down for a thousand meters, and then waved his hands.

Flying towards Zhuge Huanyu, stopping at a distance of 50 meters from Zhuge Huanyu, Wukong asked loudly, "Who are you?"

I saw that Zhuge Huanyu didn't answer Wukong's question immediately, but slowly rose into the sky, looked down at Wukong and said, "Huh, what's the matter? You don't even know me? I'm the fourth child. If you didn't intervene, Dao Dan It has already fallen into my hands, and I will never
I will be taken away by that traitor, and the three of us brothers will not be reincarnated, and I have already proved the supreme nothingness. "

"Fourth brother, you have recovered the memory of your previous life. If I don't stop you, the Hongmeng universe will be destroyed by you. Countless lives have been lost because of your selfish desires, and about half of them are your loyal subordinates. You were not like this in the past yes, just for

With a dao pill, you will fight with your third brother and start an immeasurable calamity. In the end, it will be nothing. With the understanding of you and your third brother, one day you will prove the fruit of the dao of nothingness. For a dao pill, you will hurt brother Your love has caused countless subordinates who were loyal to you to be annihilated.
Is this the result you want to see? "Wukong said in a heavy tone.

"Hahahaha, it's ridiculous, what kind of brotherhood, what kind of loyalty to my subordinates, in my eyes, these are nothing, the supreme nothingness is what I want to pursue, Yuanxin, oh, no, now I should call you Sun Wukong, today's
In the end, we will end our friendship. Now that I have this Wuji Daoxuan chess, one day, I will step on the three of you. Now I will not kill you, I will let you watch the day when I step on you, Ha ha ha ha. "Zhuge Huanyu became a completely different person
, full of hostility towards Wukong.

After laughing up to the sky a few times, Zhuge Huanyu's figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Huanyu." Shangguan Ruoxi shouted loudly, but no one responded to her.

"Fourth brother, is this really what you think in your heart? Or..." Wukong looked at the place where Zhuge Huanyu disappeared, and instead of looking for it, he lowered his head and muttered to himself, Wukong got his first body Memories of past lives, all his Eucharist and other
The two main bodies outside also know the memory of Wukong's previous life.

"Boss, that's definitely not the master. If the master restores the memory of the previous life, based on my understanding of the master, the master will definitely not think that way. The master must be controlled by the Xeon. The strange halo just now and the master got Promise

Mysterious chess, I can feel that there is a connection between them, that strange halo seems to be emitted from that Wuji Dao Xuanqi, that Wujidao Xuanqi must not be underestimated, I feel that even in my prime, I would never It will be the opponent of Wuji Daoxuan chess. "Of
Mie Shi, who had already returned to the Hongmeng Mieshi stick before, sent a voice transmission to Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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