Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 527: The Fall of Wukong

Chapter 527 The Fall of Wukong ([-])
He raised his head and took a closer look, and found that this person was Lu Tian. Lu Tian said with a grim expression on his face, "Sun Wukong, I didn't expect you to discover and destroy the natal imprint I left behind twice. It turned out to be like this, I thought

You will become my biggest hole card, even the 'empty' is given to you, now it seems that I was wrong, since you can't be fully used by me, you have no use value, so I have to destroy you. "

In Emperor Shenghao's palace, Wukong searched to no avail. He searched dozens of times, but he still couldn't find the golden light.

Frowning slightly, Wukong said suspiciously: "Strange, that golden light just disappeared without a trace. What is that golden light?"

Suddenly, alarmed, Wukong felt a powerful aura locking himself.

"Who?" Wukong's figure flashed and disappeared into the room.

The next moment, Wukong appeared in an open space thousands of miles south of Tianyuan City. There was another person in this open space, who was the one who led Wukong out.

This person has his back to Wukong. Seeing this person, Wukong found a sense of familiarity from the other person's back, but Wukong felt that it should not be that person.

"Who are you? Why do you want to lure me out?" This person avoids the other great Daoist Emperor Shenghao who is staying in the Palace of Emperor Shenghao, but lures himself out alone, which makes Wukong very puzzled.

After all, not long after I first came to the source world, I only saw Emperor Shenghao, a Daoist, and did not reveal my identity. There should be no other Daoist who knew me, so Wukong was puzzled about the purpose of this mysterious person.

"Haha, big brother, long time no see, what's the matter? Don't I even know the second brother?" A familiar voice rang in Wukong's ears, and the mysterious man turned around, and what caught Wukong's sight was a picture Familiar faces.

This person is the second of the four supreme beings, the destiny supreme being who caused the reincarnation of Wukong's previous Yuanxin Daozu and the other two supreme beings.

"It's really you." Wukong said in shock. At this moment, Wukong was trembling all over, his face was very cold, staring at the Supreme Man of Destiny, Wukong said angrily: "I don't have your second brother (of course, the name in the previous life), how can I actually be your second brother?" framed his own brother for his own sake
. "

Wukong paused, and then said: "Since you have found this place, then you should have completely absorbed the Dao Pill that you obtained by all means, and you must have also proved the fruit of the Dao of Nothingness."

"Haha, don't say it so harshly, I have completely absorbed the Dao Dan, but that was a long time ago. Before you were reincarnated in the prehistoric universe, I had already absorbed the medicinal effect of the Dao Pill, which proved to be The fruit of the Dao of Nothingness has been in existence for more than a dozen primordial years (
One Hongmeng year is equal to one hundred yuanhui, one yuanhui=10800 yuan=129600hui=1399680000 years), and I found you the moment you were born. "The Destiny Supreme laughed loudly.

"What? You have already proved the state of nothingness and found me a long time ago, so why didn't you show up to kill me earlier, but just now, is it to play me?" Wukong thought that the Supreme Man of Destiny had not yet After absorbing the medicinal effect of Dao Dan, I didn't want to
By the time he has absorbed it long ago, he has already proved the fruit of the Dao of Nothingness, and he has already discovered himself.

(End of this chapter)

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