Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 530 Hongmeng Sanctuary

Chapter 530 Grandmist Sanctuary ([-])
By analogy, the Mandate of Heaven can hurt Wukong's true spirit just because he has attained the stage of nothingness, which is equal to the rules of nothingness in the primordial universe.

After the inspection, Wukong didn't waste any more time. He sat cross-legged on the spot and performed the nine-turn Xuan Gong. Immediately, the primordial purple energy around him quickly gathered towards Wukong, and then Wukong controlled the primordial purple energy to travel to every part of his body. , soon Wukong's broken left arm

Healed at an extremely fast speed, in less than a cup of tea, Wukong's left arm and body injuries were all healed.

"Sure enough." Wukong absorbed the primordial purple energy, and found that just after absorbing the nearby primordial purple energy, a large amount of primordial purple energy was born in this space immediately to make up for what was absorbed by Wukong. Wukong did not guess that the primordial purple energy here Sure enough, it replaced the aura of heaven and earth,

The primordial purple qi seems to be inexhaustible. It is estimated that there will not be a lower level of aura like heaven and earth aura here. If it really reaches that level, the spatial level of this world will also be lowered.

After countless years of development of the four supreme domains, the spatial level is not as good as when the four supreme domains were first formed, but even so, it is not comparable to those newly born Supreme Dao universes.

"Bang!" A loud noise woke up Wukong who was absorbing the primordial purple energy.

Opening his eyes, Daoxuan unfolded instantly, and Wukong discovered that three people were fighting a huge monster a thousand meters away in the east.

Although Wukong's cultivation strength has receded, his Daoxuan Daoxuan was not affected in the slightest, but being suppressed in this weird space, his power has been reduced a lot.

Wukong found that the three of them all had the strength of a saint, the strongest one had the strength of a saint in the late stage, and the other two had the strength of a saint in the middle stage, and they were fighting against a red wolf-shaped monster, which also had the strength of a saint in the late stage .

"Someone, go over and have a look, just to learn about this world." Wukong thought to himself.

So Wukong stopped absorbing the primordial purple energy, Wukong stood up and leaped in that direction, the space constraint in this place is very strong, with Wukong's current strength as a saint, he can't teleport, he can't even fly, Wukong had to run
I went, but even so, Wukong's running speed has been greatly slowed down. Even in the death plain of the source world, Wukong can run a thousand meters in the blink of an eye as a saint, but now it takes several hours. rest time.

After a few breaths, three people and one beast came into Wukong's sight.

Without further ado, Wukong kicked back, and immediately flew forward like a rocket. The next moment, Wukong landed directly on the giant wolf.

'Aw! 'The demon wolf howled angrily, and swung its body trying to throw Wukong away.

"Looking for death." Crouching on the wolf's body, Wukong grabbed the hair on the wolf's head with his left hand, and swung his right fist directly to hit the wolf's head.

There was a loud "bang", and the head of the huge wolf was blown apart, blood and flesh spattering.

At this moment, Wukong set up a protective shield all over his body to block all the flesh and blood.

All this happened too fast, from Wukong's appearance to blowing the demon wolf's head off in just one breath.

However, the three of them reacted quickly. The moment Wukong blew the wolf's head off, they held up their protective shields to block the splashing blood, flesh and brains.

(End of this chapter)

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