Chapter 534 Strange Fusion ([-])
"Brother Wukong, did you really come to the Outer Domain of Hongmeng?" Zhang Yi just casually guessed that Wukong came to the Outerland of Hongmeng before, but he didn't really think so. Now Wukong said it affirmatively, which shocked Yang Yi very much.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Wukong asked suspiciously, and Wukong found that Zhang Yi and the three were all looking at him with strange expressions, as if he was a monster.

"I once heard my father say that there is a very strong restriction between the Sanctuary of Hongmeng and the Outer Territory of Hongmeng. If you have not obtained the fruit position of the Dao of Nothingness, you cannot pass this restriction directly. Due to the restriction, you cannot go through the Dao of Nothingness Fruitful ascetics are also not allowed
You can tear apart the space and shuttle back and forth, are you a powerhouse of the Dao of Nothingness? "Speaking of this, Zhang Yi and the three looked at Wukong in surprise. 
"Hehe, is it the level of nothingness? I'm still far away, and now I'm the same as you, with the strength of a saint." Wukong smiled and said, he didn't say that he was seriously injured and his strength dropped, after all I'm not very familiar with the other party, and it's not worth finishing

Full trust.

Although Wukong is not afraid that the other party will know that he is seriously injured and tell it out, and will be calculated by someone with a heart, but when he comes to this strange place where there are countless strong people, he must have a sense of vigilance. Don't have the heart of harming others, and guard against others. essential and related
All the secrets of one's own strength cannot be casually told to others. Sometimes this is one's trump card to defeat others, and one should maintain a sense of mystery.

"Saint fruit status? I can't feel any energy fluctuations on your body, and your physical attack is too powerful, and you can blow Qianji Hanlang's head off without using any strength. It seems that you should be a great saint!" Consummation-level ascetics who prove the Tao with strength

.But having said that, with your strength as a Saint, how could you come to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng from the Outer Territory of Hongmeng?I heard that the restriction was jointly arranged by one hundred and eight powerhouses of the Dao of Nothingness. It is impossible for ascetics under the Dao of Nothingness to travel through time and space from the outer domain of Hongmeng to Hongmeng.

Sanctuary, it’s strange, Brother Wukong, how did you do it? "Zhang Yi knew that Wukong was only the strength of a saint, and his expression eased a little.

Shaking his head, Wukong said: "I don't know either. I was attacked by a strong man of the Dao of Nothingness, but I don't know what happened? Not only did I not die, but I also appeared in Yunqing Forest, and then I met you. Is it possible? It is the guide of the powerful man of nothingness
Sincerely. "

Wukong attributed the reason why he was able to come here to the Supreme Man of Destiny, and did not say anything about the 'empty'.

"Maybe, otherwise I really don't know how to explain it." Zhang Yi and the others also believed in Wukong's explanation, and believed that it should be the strong man of nothingness who accidentally opened the space-time tunnel between the two places, which caused Wukong to come to Hongmeng from the outer domain of Hongmeng. Sanctuary.

After all, due to the restrictions of the ban, the space-time tunnel between the two places can only be opened by the strong who have proved the fruit of the Dao of Nothingness. This reason is easy for them to accept and believe.

After that, Zhang Yi didn't ask Wukong why he was attacked by a strong man of the Dao of Nothingness?After all, everyone has their own privacy, and they also know that enough is enough, and you shouldn't ask what you shouldn't ask, unless someone else can take the initiative to tell you.

"We're here, and Qingfeng Town is ahead." Not long after, Wukong saw a very long and tall city wall. At a glance, he couldn't see the ends of the two sides of the city wall at all, just like a huge dragon lying there. same, recovery


(End of this chapter)

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