Chapter 536 Strange Fusion ([-])
"The outer ring is also divided into one section, two sections, three sections, four sections, and five section areas. Each section is divided into countless small areas. Like the first section of the outermost area, the palaces in each small area are The same, evenly located, each small area is separated by kilometers,

There are 1 such small palaces in each small area. My family belongs to the relatively high-ranking forces, so it is located in the 370th and eighth small area of ​​the fourth section of the Western Region Outer Ring in Qingfeng Town. We started from this It can be reached directly by walking. "Zhang Yi

Pointing to a ten-meter-wide street in front of him, he said.

"Each small area is also planned in an orderly manner. The whole is like a "field" character. It is divided into four parts by two intersecting cross streets. Each part has [-] small palaces. From here to the east Loose cultivators living eastward from the border of the central area or

The stronger the power, so taking this small area as an example, the ascetics living in the two areas to the east are basically stronger than those in the two areas to the west. Of course, there are very few special ones. , as long as you have enough money, it counts as your strength

Or if the power is not strong enough, you can also buy your own territory in the area close to the inside. "

"However, in this Western Region, the farther east you go, the higher the land price. It takes a hundred thousand aura stones to buy a small palace like this one, and many weak individual cultivators can't afford so many aura stones at once. , you can only rent a house and only need 50 yuan per year

Rhyme stones are enough.The situation of the Eastern Region, the Southern Region, and the Northern Region is similar to that of the Western Region, but the difference is that these three regions are scattered or the power is basically stronger as they go west, the more expensive the land is, and the more scattered or the power is basically stronger as they go north. Strong, the more expensive the land, the more you go south to loose repairs

Or basically the stronger the power, the more expensive the land. "

"As for the central area, it's different. The closer the central area is to the center of Qingfeng Town, the more powerful the living power is, and the more expensive the land is. This is just a small town. Those county towns, royal cities, imperial cities, The power of the holy city is stronger,
Land prices are even higher. "Zhang Yi sighed.

Walking on the broad road, seeing the passers-by passing by, Wukong was also shocked in his heart. Although he already knew that the cultivators in this Primordial Sanctuary were much better than those in the four supreme source realms, But seeing the countless saints coming and going

There are not a few ascetics at the human level, there are not a few ascetics at the level of heaven, and dozens of ascetics at the level of Dao.

Wukong suddenly felt an invisible pressure. This is just a small area in the first section of the outermost area outside the western region of a small Qingfeng Town, and Wukong only saw some ascetics in this small area. Of course these monks

There are other regions, but Wukong is absolutely sure that the comprehensive strength of this small region is definitely not comparable to any top power in the source world that has no Supreme Dao powerhouse before.

The mystery and power of the Hongmeng Sanctuary, with countless powerful people, is definitely a pressure on the current Wukong, but it is also a kind of motivation, which can further inspire Wukong's heart of the supreme strongman who transcends everything.

Not long after, Wukong and the others walked to the very center of this small area, which is the intersection of this small area. There was actually a towering tower-shaped building exuding an ancient and heavy atmosphere at this intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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