Chapter 546 Counterattack ([-])
Even in this Primordial Sanctuary, there are no ascetics who do that. It's not that they don't want to do it, but they can't do it.

Other ascetics just absorb and refine the Dao and power in the Primordial Purple Qi for their own use, and they cannot turn the Primordial Purple Qi into their own bodies at all. The amount of Primordial Purple Qi needed is quite huge, let alone general The ascetics are not as good as Wukong

Heaven-defying refining and fusion speed and strong body, even those super-strong ascetics have it, but they can't do it, because they don't have 'emptiness'.

Of course, it’s not just enough to have ‘empty’, or else the ascetics who knew some ways to use ‘empty’ and obtained ‘empty’ would have done so long ago, and it would not be unprecedented. Other reasons will be discovered by Wukong in the future of.

Although Wukong thought so, he didn't put it into practice immediately. After all, there were still things that had not been resolved. Wukong knew that Zhang Cheng and others would soon bring some people over to find fault, so he simply waited at the door.

Soon, Wukong heard a noise coming from outside, and there were quite a few people listening to the sound.

"Who doesn't know what is good or bad, and dares to act wild in my Zhang family?" Before the person arrived, there was a loud shout first.

Soon, a group of people came in one after another from outside the courtyard, including Zhang Cheng and others who had left before.

"Uncle Nine, this is the person who caused trouble here. He injured us indiscriminately. He didn't pay attention to our Zhang family at all. This person was brought back by Zhang Yi and the others. Since Zhang Yi and the others will despise my Zhang family so much People who bring trouble, have violated the family rules

I also hope that Uncle Jiu will seek justice for us and punish this lunatic as well as Zhang Yi, Zhang Xiang and Zhang Tai for the Zhang family. "The boy in blue said respectfully to the youth in purple at the front.

Wukong didn't interrupt the boy in blue, but leaned quietly under a golden pillar under the eaves to rest his eyes and closed his eyes. He didn't care that the boy in blue distorted the facts, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Where are the three of Zhang Yi?" The young man in purple robe saw that Wukong was so rude, he didn't take them seriously at all, and he was furious. People, it is estimated that there are some

Of course, the young man in purple knows who is behind the boy in blue, and the person behind the boy in blue is also a popular candidate for the patriarch this time. He is the opposite of Zhang Yi. Easy to arrange in a separate building in this VIP area

If he is in the courtyard, then this person is likely to be a foreign aid invited by Zhang Yi. It is estimated that the boy in blue came to find fault, but he encountered a hard fault, so he called himself.

Although I also support the person behind the boy in blue, I can't easily take action without knowing the details of the other party. It's okay to subdue the other party. lose face in front of people
, How will you stand up in the future?

After all, the young man in purple robe has only attained the Dzogchen fruit position, and there are countless strong men in this universe. Although the young man in purple robe does not believe that Zhang Yi and the others can invite back the strong man of the great fruit position, it is better to be careful, and drive carefully for ten thousand years Boat.

The best way at present is to call Zhang Yi and others over first, and ask them clearly before talking.

"Back to Ninth Uncle, Zhang Yi and the others have just come back not long ago, and they should be at the Second Uncle's place in Yi Academy." The boy in blue replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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