Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 557 Regional Competition

Chapter 557 Regional Competition ([-])
Of course, this is only a channel for casual cultivators to obtain quotas. The non-influential forces and the influent forces still have some privileges. The non-influential forces have two quotas, the ninth-rate forces have ten quotas, and the eighth-rate forces have thirty quotas. , as for the power of the seven streams, it is higher

Up to a hundred places.

Wukong learned about Qingfeng Taoist Temple from Zhang Yi, so he decided to go to Qingfeng Taoist Temple first. After all, he didn't know much about this Hongmeng Sanctuary. It's just the fur,

More mysteries of Hongmeng Sanctuary have to be discovered by themselves.

In this small town, Qingfeng Taoist Temple is more suitable as a starting point for oneself to understand Hongmeng Sanctuary.

"With the strength of a fellow daoist, it is absolutely possible to get a place in the regional competition. Why?" Zhang Junqian asked suspiciously. After all, the Zhang family only has two places. If you want to get another place, you must win the top three places in the regional competition. .

However, in the region where the Zhang family is located, there are not only Zhang family’s low-level forces. There are dozens of companies with comparable strength to the Zhang family, and there are even a few slightly stronger than the Zhang family. The original members of the Zhang family participated in the regional competition. No hope of the top three, I want one more place

It's hard.

As for the two quotas set by the Zhang family, they have already been assigned. If Wukong insists on the quotas determined by the Zhang family, he has to exclude one of the places. Zhang Junqian’s grandson is the winner of one of these two places. number of people, likely

It was Zhang Yi, that's why Zhang Junqian asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I don't want the two places from your Zhang family, but I want you to help me sign up for the regional competition." Wukong learned from Zhang Yi that the Zhang family has two places, one of which has already belonged to him, of course he can guess What is Zhang Junqian worried about?

Wukong and Zhang Yi hit it off very much, and of course they won't compete for his spot, and Wukong also hopes to participate in the regional competition, so that he can have more opportunities to fight.

The reason why the ancestors of the Zhang family were asked to help sign up was because Wukong did not have the currency of the Hongmeng Sanctuary, and each person needed to pay ten aura stones to sign up for the regional competition.

"Hehe." Zhang Junqian smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe stood up to mediate the awkward atmosphere at this time, "Sun Daoyou, it's settled like this, we will help you arrange it, before the regional competition comes, you can practice here, I will tell you to go on, don't let me Anyone come to bother you."

"Well, that's it, you can do what you should be busy with, don't worry about my old grandson." Wukong nodded and said.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Sun, don't be so anxious. After chatting for so long, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhang Yutai. Please forgive me for being rude. These two are my second brother Zhang Junqian and third brother Zhang Yunxiao. Got it, third brother, now the truth

Understand, it's time for you to fulfill your promise just now. Zhang Yutai said with a smile.

Zhang Yunxiao on the side heard what Zhang Yutai said, and immediately stood up and clasped his fists and said: "Sun Daoyou, I am so sorry for offending you just now, I hope you don't remember the villain's mistakes, please forgive me, I, Zhang Yunxiao, hereby express my gratitude to you." Apologize."

What Zhang Yunxiao said was very sincere, obviously he sincerely apologized, and he did not lie at all.

"My old grandson is not so stingy, so let's forget about it, as long as you have a competition with my old grandson, and let my old grandson fight hard." Wukong waved his hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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