Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 568 Regional Competition

Chapter 568 Regional Competition ([-])
"Eh? Thinking about it now, what you just cast doesn't seem to be the origin of gold, but it feels a bit like the origin of gold. Could it be that what you just cast was really not the purple-gold spiritual way? By the way, you are the legendary strength cultivator. Maybe what you cast is really not purple

Jin Lingdao, but similar to the original power, belongs to your unique power of strength cultivation. Because you are strength cultivation, the faction of cultivation is different, and you are so young, and your understanding is limited, so for the power cultivated by our law cultivation It's not very clear either. " Zhang Yunxiao thought

After a while, I felt that Wukong didn't know that this might be the case with Zijin Lingdao and Red Phosphorus Flame.

Little do they know that Wukong came from the Outer Territory of Hongmeng, so if he doesn’t understand the original power, it is divided into several levels. However, even the ascetics in the Sanctuary of Hongmeng may not know everything. Because there are many ways to cultivate , the public
The well-known big classification has four factions, Dharma Cultivator, Sword Cultivator, Power Cultivator, and Martial Cultivator. There are thousands of methods in the small category, among which Power Cultivator and Martial Cultivator are very rare. At least in Zhang Yunxiao’s cognition, Qingfeng Zhen originally had no strength and martial arts, so for Zhang Yunxiao

Lixiu is more mysterious.

Zhang Yunxiao believes that Wukong belongs to Lixiu. Although he doesn't know Wukong's background, he also thinks that there should be at least a master-like existence behind Wukong.

If there is a family behind him, he would not easily agree to become his Zhang family's guest minister. Generally, the guest ministers of those families are casual cultivators or disciples of a certain sect.

Just because he thought that Wukong might have just come out to practice for a short time, and his knowledge is not very extensive, so he doesn't know much about Dharma cultivation. It is normal to not know how many levels the original power is divided into, so Zhang Yunxiao didn't think too much about it.

After figuring it out, Zhang Yunxiao continued: "Sun Daoyou, I will explain this to you later, after I heal my injury first."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I was curious for a while, and I forgot about it, you should heal your injuries first." Wukong said slightly embarrassed.

Then Zhang Yunxiao took a holy medicine for healing, and then began to heal his injuries. At this moment, the barrier on the ring was lifted, and above Wukong and Wukong, Zhang Yutai and Zhang Yutai fell from the sky and flew towards Wukong and Wukong.

At this time, Wukong had already put on a gray robe.

"Sun Daoyou, you really opened my eyes. Lixiu really shouldn't be underestimated." As soon as Zhang Yutai and Zhang Yutai landed on the ground, Zhang Yutai said to Wukong with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yunxiao's failure not only did not make Zhang Yutai complain that Zhang Yunxiao was too underestimating the enemy, but he was defeated by a young cultivator of the seventh level of the Dao with a cultivation base of the Great Dao, which made the Zhang family lose face. On the contrary, Zhang Yutai was even happier. because this young
The master has now become the guest secretary of their Zhang family. As long as they have a good relationship with Wukong, the chances of their Zhang family entering Qingfeng Town closer to the inner domain will be much greater, and they may even enter the central area of ​​Qingfeng Town. Thinking of this, Zhang Yutai Just be happy.

In the Sanctuary of Hongmeng, to evaluate the power of a family, not only the strength of the members of the family itself, but also the strength of the family's guests, so if Wukong can prove the Supreme Dao Status, it means that they Zhang has one

If the Supreme Dao powerhouse sits in town, then their Zhang family can be promoted to become a nine-tier power.

(End of this chapter)

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