Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 570 Regional Competition

Chapter 570 Regional Competition (XIV)
"Brother Yunxiao, can you call out your red phosphorus flame and let my grandson study it for a while, it only takes an hour, my grandson will not study for nothing, from now on, my grandson owes you a favor, what do you need in the future My grandson did it, as long as it was my grandson
If you can do it, my old grandson will do my best to help you. "Wukong knew that those high-level pills and those masterless magic weapons on his body were hard to come by in the outer domain of the primordial, but in this world full of primordial purple energy, it is estimated that they are not of much value.

After all, with such a strong purple energy of grandmist, there must be a lot of magic treasures of the grandmeng level. Although the Zhang family is just a small family that is not popular, it is not comparable to those top forces in the outer domain of Hongmeng. Those magic weapons and pills must be Zhang Yunxiao. Can't see
Eye-catching, so Wukong also felt that he had nothing to offer in exchange, so he said he owed Zhang Yunxiao a favor.

"Haha, fellow Daoist Sun, you are a bit out of touch. We are already our own people. Don't talk about these clichés. You can use my red phosphorus flame to study it. It doesn't matter even if you study it for thousands of years. When you join my Zhang family, we
The first benefit Zhang family gave you. "Zhang Yunxiao said boldly. For them, thousands of years are just a blink of an eye. Ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary have endless lifespans. Thousands of years are simply too short for them, and like Zhang Yunxiao species level

In addition, it would take more than a thousand years to close a closed door casually.

The reason why Zhang Yunxiao is so proud is mainly because Wukong's potential is too great. Before Wukong has fully grown up, they must establish a good relationship with Wukong so that Wukong has a sense of belonging to the Zhang family. goku
The relationship between.

What he said, Zhang Yunxiao had just finished speaking, and before Wukong could express anything, he transformed the red phosphorus flame.

"Sun Daoyou, you will keep this red phosphorus flame for me first." Then Zhang Yunxiao handed the red phosphorus flame to Wukong.

Wukong also understood Zhang Yunxiao's intentions, so he didn't shirk any more. After taking the red phosphorus flame, Wukong said: "Don't worry, I will return it to you soon. I said that it will be used for only one hour, and it will only be less. There will be more."

After speaking, under the watchful eyes of Zhang Yunxiao and the others, a person was separated from Wukong. This person was wearing a fiery red armor and holding a fiery red spear. He was majestic.

"Clone? Or the holy body of the quasi-fire source?" Zhang Yutai and the three said in surprise.

Although the ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary have the power of immortality from birth and can quickly prove the status of a saint, because of the special nature of the Hongmeng Sanctuary, basically the ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary will not experience the experience of beheading three corpses The cultivation process, but even so,
It is not uncommon for ascetics in Hongmeng Sanctuary to have clones.

However, it is a bit strange for Lixiu to have a clone of Dharma cultivator. Generally, the Dharma gates cultivated by the clone possessed by Taoists are basically the same as the sects of their own cultivation, and the clone of Wukong is not only as simple as Dharma cultivator, but also Own

There is a clone of the holy body of the quasi-fire source.

Among the ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, it is not difficult to cultivate and control the quasi-source fire, but it is a bit difficult to condense the quasi-fire source holy body, which is no less difficult than cultivating the real source the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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