Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 573 Regional Competition

Chapter 573 Regional Competition (Seventeen)
"Well, then I'll thank Fellow Daoist Sun here." Zhang Yunxiao excitedly took over the red phosphorus flame.

Then Lie Yan merged with Wukong again. After merging with Lieyan, Wukong found that his cultivation base had been enhanced, and he was only one step away from reaching the eighth level of the Dao. step up.

After Wukong and the others left the Tianqiong Palace, Zhang Yutai arranged a quiet house for Wukong in the inner courtyard for Wukong to practice and rest.

After returning, Wukong wanted to release Zixia and others to practice here, but he found that only Zixia, Yunxuanling, Qi Yanfeng and other people from Hongmeng Outer Domain could come out, and no one else could come out. let the others out

Every now and then, there will be a mysterious force blocking it.

"Huh? Where is this place? Why is the primordial purple energy so strong? Aren't we in the Shenghao Emperor's Palace?" As soon as they came out, Zixia and the others noticed something unusual.

"This is the Sanctuary of Hongmeng." After Wukong finished speaking, he put the information he knew about the Sanctuary of Hongmeng and how he got here into the minds of Zixia and others, letting them digest it by themselves.

"Hongmeng Sanctuary, there is such a good place?" Qi Yanfeng said with emotion, while Xuan Xi and the others were in shock.

After returning to Emperor Shenghao’s Palace, the reason why Xuan Xi and others practiced in Wukong’s Xuanling Universe was that although they could not advance there, they could refine a large amount of primordial purple energy to realize Taoism and practice, so Xuanxi put Wukong in Shenghao. After the imperial palace arranges, it will be with those

Following Wukong's practitioners from Hongmeng Outland, Zixia and others entered Wukong's Xuanling universe to practice. 
"Wukong, are you better now?" "Brother Wukong, are you alright?" Zixia and Yun Xuanling were not surprised that there was a lot of primordial purple energy here, but were concerned about Wukong's situation, after all, Wukong almost fell.

Hearing Zixia and Zixia's concerned questions, Qi Yanfeng and others immediately reacted and asked Wukong's situation one after another.

"Hehe, look at my current situation, and you know that I'm fine now." Wukong smiled heartily when he heard everyone's concern and questions.

Then Wukong continued: "You all know the situation here, and then make good use of the resources here and practice hard."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Then Zixia and others stayed in the courtyard where Wukong was practicing.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year passed. During this period, Zhang Yutai and other three Zhang family patriarchs and Zhang Yi's three brothers came several times, and also met Zixia and others.

Wukong also briefly introduced Xia Zixia and others to Zhang Yutai and others, saying that they were his friends, and because he met enemies before, he took them into his own universe, and now he has settled down in Zhang's family, and his The injury also recovered
Yes, let them out.

When Wukong came before, he was seriously injured and his strength dropped drastically. Zhang Yi and others already knew about it. Zhang Yutai and others also learned about it from Zhang Yi and the others. After all, Wukong did not
It's not easy for them to tell the matter even if they talk too much, even if the other party is their grandfather and is trustworthy, they didn't tell Zhang Yutai and the others about it.

(End of this chapter)

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