Chapter 580 House Slave ([-])

Some of the participants were ascetics from different factions. They were basically not very qualified, and the geniuses with high qualifications basically obtained the places owned by their faction at a very young age. low resources
In addition, their qualifications are not high enough, so they, like most casual cultivators, only come to participate in the regional competition when they are almost one year old. Of course, because they still have a small amount of resources for them to practice, their cultivation base Generally higher than casual repair

Therefore, the cultivation bases of the contestants who came to participate in the regional competition are mostly between the late stage of Heavenly Dao and the early stage of Dao Dao, so the degree of danger of this assessment will not be too dangerous, but relatively speaking, for Wukong, who has strength comparable to the early stage of Supreme Dao say, jane
There is no danger at all.

After destroying the meteorite group, Wukong wandered around. Not long after, Wukong found a contestant not far in front of him. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Zixia.

Then Wukong immediately flew to Zixia's position. Zixia also just appeared on the fourth floor, and just received the message from the mysterious voice, and then saw Wukong flying towards her position.

So Zixia immediately greeted her happily: "Wukong, you really are the first to reach the fourth floor. I just learned that I was the second to arrive. I guessed that the first must be you. As expected, hehe laugh."

As if she was the first to arrive, Zixia was very happy, even happier than Wukong.

"Hehe, I just arrived at the fourth floor not long ago. You should already know the rules of this floor. Let's wait here for the appearance of the other three people." Wukong said with a smile.

"Hee hee, okay, it's all up to you." Zixia said happily.

Then Wukong waited on a meteorite, and it didn't take long before Yunxuanling and Qi Yanfeng also appeared on the fourth floor. Yunxuanling arrived about 5 minutes after Zixia appeared on the fourth floor The fourth layer, the time difference between

It's not big, but Qi Yanfeng didn't appear on the fourth floor until more than 20 minutes after Yun Xuanling.

As for the fifth person who appeared on the fourth floor was a casual cultivator, he appeared half an hour after Qi Yanfeng, and less than 5 minutes passed between Wukong's appearance and Zixia's appearance. Wukong has just started less than two days in the third floor test
It took only a few minutes to reach the fourth floor, that is to say, it took the fifth person a little over half an hour (one hour in ancient times equals two hours in modern times) to reach the fourth floor.

At this time, it was less than half an hour before the end of the test on the third floor, and so far only five people including Wukong had reached the fourth floor.

During this period, Wukong and others did not rush to find the Dao Seal of Void, but waited in place, deciphering it when they encountered danger, and cultivating their morality if they did not encounter it.

"I have met fellow Taoists, my name is Wu Lin, and I am a casual cultivator. I hope we can cooperate happily." The fifth person introduced himself friendly to Wukong and others.

"Sun Wukong." "Zixia." "Yunxuanling." "Qi Yanfeng." Wukong and others also reported their names one after another.

"Brother Wukong, what should we do next?" Yun Xuanling asked Wukong.

"Just wait here." Wukong replied.

"Okay." After speaking, Wukong and the others rested on the spot.

Only Wu Lin was puzzled and said anxiously: "Wait, are you planning to waste time here? Aren't we going to find the Dao Seal of Nothingness? That is the Dao Seal of Nothingness! You can also directly get the quota to enter the Qingfeng Taoist Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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