Chapter 582 House Slave ([-])

"That's right, the Dao Seal of Void is just a bait. Since this test requires teamwork, and no one in the team is allowed to die, otherwise the whole team will fail. If I'm not wrong, the biggest danger of this level is not the original test. trap set
It is not a trap, but it comes from our contestants. The seal of nothingness will definitely appear, and the first to get the seal of nothingness will definitely become the target of public criticism. At that time, a scuffle will be inevitable. In this way, the casualties must be very serious, even if the seal of nothingness is true, and one of the
A team finally got it with a strong strength, may I ask how to divide the five people of a void seal?In the end, there will be a tragedy of people making money and birds dying for food, unless you think you have the ability to fight against all other contestants, get the seal of nothingness and protect it

It, or you can suppress other contestants in the team not to compete with you, but force suppression is not feasible in this case, each team is combined according to the order in which the contestants enter the fourth floor, a team The chances of all being in the same lineup are extremely low.
At least not all members of our team are familiar with and trust each other, so I won’t say much else, it’s up to you to decide whether to go or not. "Wukong roughly analyzed the current situation.

Hearing this, Zixia smiled, because she guessed what Wukong was thinking.

In fact, Wukong has the strength to suppress all the contestants, but he firmly believes that the seal of emptiness is fake, and even if it is true, Wukong also thinks that there is no need to be the first bird. Wukong is not afraid, and he thinks that the contestants here can't attract him. of

The desire to fight, because on the third floor, Wukong used Daoxuan to observe all the contestants. Except for himself and Zixia who have reached the fifth level of the Dao, the strongest among the other contestants is only the second level of the Dao, and There are only a few people, and Wu Lin is one of them

If it's true, it's not too late to make a move in the end. As for Wu Lin, Wukong is not afraid that he will make some waves.

The most important thing at present is to ensure the safety of everyone in the team. Zixia and Wukong are very relieved. As for Wu Lin, Wukong is not worried about any accidents with him. Even if Wu Lin insists on leaving, Wukong will directly suppress him. Of course Goku can see

Wu Lin had given up the idea of ​​looking for it now, so he said it was up to him to decide whether to stay or not.

"Okay, I'll stay." Wu Lin thought for a while, and finally decided to stay and wait and see.

At this time, in the courtyard of a magnificent palace in the center of the square, two men in purple were talking.

"This kid is not easy. He actually realized that the Dao Seal of Nothingness is just a bait. What's even more commendable is that he has reached the eighth level of Dao at such a young age, and he is excellent in all aspects. Even in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, no one can compare. This
We're going to be lucky this time, lol. "

"That's right, as long as we recommend him to the Lord, we can get a lot of rewards, haha, just thinking about it makes me happy."

"These more than 800 million years are finally not in vain, hahahaha..."

Time passed little by little, and the number of contestants on the fourth floor gradually increased. At this time, it had been an hour since the third floor test started. The third floor test was completely over, and all those who passed the third floor test had already entered the fourth floor , and constitutes

A team.

(End of this chapter)

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