Chapter 590 House Slave ([-])
Although they had met Zixia and the others long ago, since Wukong had already become the guest of the Zhang family at that time, they did not bother to investigate the strength and life patterns of the three of Zixia, so they did not know that Zixia and the others were also peerless geniuses. , especially Zixia,

Not much worse than Goku.

"Yes, I will invite them here." Zhang Yutai quickly responded and said happily.

Before Zhang Yutai could tell, the three of Zixia followed Wukong and came here. They heard the conversation between Zhang Yutai and Tianlin's special envoy.

This change immediately stopped Wang Zihong and the others who were planning to leave. They wondered when the Zhang family had more young people whom the two special envoys valued very much, but they did not get any news from the Wang family.

This mistake made Wang Zihong and others angry and surprised. What was angry was that the Zhang family had joined four talented people with good potential, but their Wang family didn’t get any news. What was surprising was that these four geniuses were all watched by the two special envoys. Hit, if they are taken by two envoys
If it is recommended to 'there', it will not be a good thing for their Wang family.

So Wang Zihong stopped immediately, looked at the situation before making plans.

This situation also caused the ascetics who were watching nearby to stop and watch. Among them were the children of the other three directions in this area.

Coming to Zhang Yutai's side, Wukong said to the two special envoys neither humble nor overbearing: "I have seen the two special envoys, but I don't know why the two special envoys are looking for us?"

"Sun Daoyou, these two are the special envoys of the Gongsun family who came to the central area of ​​Qingfeng Town. The Gongsun family is a seven-tiered force, and it ranks fifth in Qingfeng Town. You must not offend them." Zhang Yutai was afraid of Wukong's tone. bumped up two
A special envoy, the two special envoys will not be worth the loss if they blame them, so Zhang Yutai immediately sent a voice transmission secretly.

"It's okay, I have my own plan." Wukong echoed,

After watching Wukong for a while, the purple-clothed man on the right praised: "Hahahaha, not bad, not bad, the bones are excellent, the courage, the reflexes, the insight, the judgment, they are all very strong, and they all have great luck and strength." great opportunity,

Especially you, Sun Wukong, have strong leadership skills. I wonder if you are willing to join the Gongsun family?Become a retainer of the Gongsun family. "

"What? Special envoy Yunxin invited all four of them to join the Gongsun family. This, this is not true." Special envoy Yunxin is the man in purple on the right. Wang Zihong heard that special envoy Yunxin invited Wukong and the others to join the Gongsun family. time, suddenly surprised

Believe your ears.

"Did you hear that? The two special envoys actually came to invite them to become servants of the Gongsun family. It's really lucky. They have a bright future in the future!"

"They are members of the Zhang family. It seems that the Zhang family will rise strongly in the future, and the Wang family will not have a good life in the future."

The ascetics who were watching were also discussing in low voices, expressing their own opinions.

No matter how others talk, think, envy or hate, Wukong and the other four frowned slightly, as if dissatisfied.

"Sun Daoyou, quickly thank Special Envoy Yunxin! Joining the Gongsun family has a bright future!" Without seeing Wukong's expression, Zhang Yutai ecstatically sent a voice transmission to Wukong.

"Retainer? House slave? Sorry, I refuse." Wukong turned and left after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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