Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 606 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 606

Soon the five members of Tang Haishan's team appeared opposite Wukong and the others.

"Brother Sun Dao, let me deal with them alone!" Wu Lin turned his head and said to Wukong.

After the five members of Tang Haishan came up, Wu Lin could see through their cultivation realm at a glance, they were far behind him, and the strongest was only at the late stage of the eighth level of Heavenly Dao, that is, Tang Haishan. Two of the other four were in the eighth stage of Heavenly Dao The cultivation base of the middle stage, and the other two are the cultivation bases of the eighth stage of Tiandao.

With such strength, he alone is enough to easily defeat them.

"I have no objection, but we need to fight quickly." Wukong said lightly, Wukong couldn't arouse the desire to fight against them, and his strength was too weak. Since Wu Lin asked one person to deal with them, of course Wukong was very happy.

"Okay." After speaking, Wu Lin stepped forward, and then shouted at Tang Haishan's five people: "On the other side, do you admit defeat on your own, or let me beat you down."

"Too much deceit." Hearing Wu Lin's contemptuous words, Tang Haishan and the five immediately said angrily. Even if the gap between them and Wu Lin's strength is really too big, they still have to fight with dignity, not easily Admit defeat, otherwise they would not have come to participate in the regional competition.

Then the five people showed their magical powers and attacked Wu Lin, and saw all the colorful energy bodies of various systems smashing at Wu Lin, including fire dragons, giant fists, rain of thousands of swords, fierce tigers and countless ice cones, which were full of momentum and very gorgeous.

"Is this the only ability?" Wu Lin said contemptuously, and then only heard Wu Lin shout: "Drink."

Immediately, an invisible circle of light spread out in front of Wu Lin, and the attacks of Tang Haishan's five people disappeared immediately when they touched this invisible circle of light.

The originally majestic fire dragon, giant fist, sword rain, tiger and ice cone immediately disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

This is not over yet, only Tang Haishan and five people were knocked into the air by an invisible force, and their bodies flew out of the ring uncontrollably.

The audience under the ring immediately gave up a few open spaces, and Tang Haishan and five people just fell on those open spaces, but they were not seriously injured, which shows that Wu Lin stayed strong.

In this way, Wukong and others won the first game overwhelmingly and won two points.

They weren't too surprised. The audience below seemed to have already seen this result, and didn't have much reaction. After all, the difference in strength was too great.

"Sun Wukong's team won the first game, and Sun Wukong's team won two points. Next, the second match will be played. Monkey King's team will face off against Ren Tianyu's team. The match will also be held on the No. [-] ring." The mysterious voice appeared again.

As soon as the words fell, five people appeared on the No. [-] ring.

The overall strength of these five people is slightly stronger than the five people from Tang Haishan just now. One is in the middle stage of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao (that is, the middle stage of the ninth stage of the Heavenly Dao), three are in the middle stage of the eighth stage of the Heavenly Dao, and one is in the early stage of the eighth stage of the Heavenly Dao.

"Sun Daoyou, leave these five people to me too!" Wu Lin turned and said to Wukong.

"Yeah." Goku nodded.

"Scatter, don't gather together, don't give him a chance to defeat him in one fell swoop." Just this time, Ren Tianyu, the strongest in Ren Tianyu's team, shouted loudly, and then Ren Tianyu and the others quickly dispersed.

"A meaningless struggle." Wu Lin said softly, and then disappeared in place.

He only heard the sound of five fists colliding with each other, and then saw Ren Tianyu's five people scattered around the ring flying away, and soon ended up in the same fate as Tang Haishan's five people. Outside the arena, he was also not seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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