Chapter 622 Shocking Talent (Part [-])

"Boom!" The heavy gate of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple finally opened, as if an ancient beast that had been sleeping for many years woke up, an ancient, thick, and mysterious aura rushed over, covering the audience.

As the door opened, people outside gradually approached the door.

Although the crowd gathered towards the door, they only gathered in the direction of the door if they were far away. Immediately, people gathered and became very crowded.

But there is another phenomenon in the area of ​​almost 30 square meters at the entrance. There are more than 1000 large carriages in this area, and the distance between each carriage is very large, which looks very wide and sparse.

The people in these more than 1000 carriages are from the more than 100 seven-tier forces in Qingfeng Taoist Temple. There are about ten people in a carriage.

This is a symbol of strength and status. In this world where the strong are respected, only those with strong strength will have privileges that ordinary people cannot enjoy.

The seven forces all live in the central area, and the central area is not like the small outer ring area where the Zhang family is located. There are regional events, not only in the central area, but also in the inner rings of the four major areas of east, south, west, and north. There are no regional contests.

Because the inner ring and the central area are occupied by those seven-tier forces, eight-tier forces, and most of the nine-tier forces, there are basically no casual cultivators without long-term residence rights without any influence background, so there are no casual cultivators. Set regional competitions.

Even if there are casual cultivators, they are those powerful casual cultivators who have exceeded the age limit of the regional competition. After all, the closer to the central area, the more expensive the land.

For those casual cultivators, their wealth is far inferior to those forces. It would be good to have enough wealth to rent a house for a short-term residence, let alone buy a house for a long-term residence, let alone wealth.

In the inner ring, even some of the nine-tier forces and all the non-stream forces are not eligible to live long-term, let alone the central area, which is also related to the competition for cultivation resources. The closer to the central area, the richer the cultivation resources are. Unable to keep resources.

Of course, there is no shortage of powerful casual cultivators in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, but how could those powerful casual cultivators live in a small Qingfeng Town? Of course, they went to the broader county town, royal city, imperial city, holy city and other continents.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as some powerful casual cultivators who are hidden from the world for various reasons, but they are very few after all.

Therefore, the children of the Qiliu faction who got the places to come to the Qingfeng Taoist Temple were all led by people from their faction, and there were no special envoys to lead them.

Looking at those seventh-rate forces sitting in the carriage and occupying a large area of ​​good positions, those eight-rate forces, nine-rate forces, low-rate forces, and those casual cultivators crowded around the periphery are very envious.

Wukong and his party came to the outer ring, so they are far away from the gate of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. However, with their eyesight of this level, people from a distance of 100 million meters can see clearly, let alone such a huge building as Qingfeng Taoist Temple.

"One day, I will make my family a seven-tier power and enter this central area." Zhang Jiangtian said boldly with a gleam in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's up to you, and I don't care how much you weigh." A young man in Wukong's party said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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