Chapter 634 Recruitment ([-])

Although serious, but also with a hint of excitement, Liu Hong suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Okay, all the first test passed, and the second test will be carried out next. Now I will send you to the second level."

Although the gate of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple is relatively wide, at most 50 people are allowed to enter side by side. There are about one billion ascetics who have not yet entered the place, and it is not known when they will all enter, so Liu Hong prepared Use your supernatural powers to teleport everyone in.

"First, let me tell you about the test rules of the second test. The second test can be said to be very simple or difficult. There will be ten light gates in front of you. There are only ten light gates. One is the transmission light gate leading to the outer courtyard square, and the other nine light gates are transmission light gates to the outside, to the outer courtyard square, then congratulations, you have obtained the qualification to study in the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. Those who came out here, unfortunately, you were eliminated. It is estimated that most of you think this is unfair. This is all luck. Some people are strong and talented, but they are unlucky and miss the opportunity to enter the Qingfeng Taoist Temple , Some people are neither strong nor talented, but they are lucky enough to trigger the one-tenth probability and get the chance to enter the Qingfeng Taoist Temple." Liu Hong continued to explain.

"However, since ancient times, our ascetics have often ranked first on the road of practice. Some ascetics with great luck, even if they have poor integration with the Tao at the beginning, may encounter big problems in the future. Chance reverses the fate and becomes a powerful and powerful man. There are also some ascetics with low luck. Even if they have a high degree of integration with the Tao at the beginning, they are likely to fall in the future, die and disappear, or they are not very big. Therefore, the second level is a test for your luck. On the ten light gates, there is the power of fate rules blessed by a supreme Taoist who has studied the rules of fate in Qingfeng Taoist Temple. You just need to choose the light door based on your own feelings. If you have strong luck, you can choose the right door. If you have poor luck, you will choose the wrong one. Of course, there are very few people with strong luck who choose the wrong one. This is because he has no chance with Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and his chance is not in Qingfeng Taoist Temple. Of course, these are very few, and the probability is very low, almost zero. After all, people with strong luck generally do things relatively smoothly, and enter Qingfeng Taoist Temple is learning rather than adventure, and the possibility of being linked to chance is very small, luck and chance are elusive, well, I will send you to the second test." Liu Hong explained everything confessed.

Afterwards, Liu Hong quickly made complex gestures with both hands. In the blink of an eye, a dazzling blue light burst out from Liu Hong's body. As soon as the blue light appeared, it quickly dispersed to the surroundings. The next person who got the quota was covered, and the rest of the people who got the quota disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wukong only felt a force of space acting on him. Wukong knew that it was Liu Hong who was going to send himself and everyone to the second test site, so he didn't resist.

In the blink of an eye, Wukong came to a small independent space. In this small space, he was alone, and there were ten light doors hanging in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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