Chapter 639 Recruitment ([-])

Outside Qingfeng Town, there was a sea of ​​people again at this time, and at a glance, it was densely packed with darkness.

Liu Hong looked around for a while, and then said loudly: "The dust of the second test has finally settled. Except for the leaders of the top ten forces in Qingfeng Town this time, everyone else can go back wherever they came from. Stay longer." Liu Hong's voice accurately reached the ears of everyone present.

Then Liu Hong said to Shen Xiong and the others: "The nine of you can follow me into the outer courtyard." Shen Xiong and other nine people.

Afterwards, Shen Xiong and other nine people followed Liu Hong into Qingfeng Town. As for the other eliminated contestants and the leaders of various forces and small areas, they all dispersed.

The eliminated people are basically listless, and some even don't believe that they will be eliminated. Talking to themselves foolishly, there are also very few people who are optimistic, thinking that they just have no destiny with Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and luck is not the only thing. It's just that you can't enter the Qingfeng Taoist Temple.

With a "bang", the gate of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple was tightly closed, and Liu Hong and the others had already entered Qingfeng Taoist Temple.

In the outer courtyard square of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, most of the contestants who passed the assessment were discussing, some were acquaintances, some were forming cliques, some were flattering others, and of course many people waited for the end of the assessment with their eyes closed.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, although most of the contestants have been eliminated, more people have passed the assessment this time than ever before. More than 3000 million people have passed the assessment, and the quality of this time is also higher than any previous competition. It was much higher once, hahahaha." Liu Hong's voice spread throughout the square, and everyone in the square fell silent immediately.

Of the one billion or so contestants, only 3000 million people passed the assessment. The elimination rate is frighteningly high. This is actually the most passing assessment in history. It is conceivable that the results of previous assessments were even more tragic , Of course, the overall quality of this session is also higher than before.

Not long after Liu Hong finished speaking, ten figures appeared on a huge and towering podium in the south of the square. These ten people were Liu Hong and the other ten people.

Then I heard Liu Hong standing at the front continue to say: "I have reported your assessment results, and someone will come to screen you later, and those who are selected can enter the Eleven Peaks of the Outer Court to practice and study. Those who are selected will practice and study in the five halls of the outer courtyard."

After Liu Hong finished speaking, he looked around, and when he saw that everyone was focusing on the podium, Liu Hong continued to speak: "First of all, I would like to congratulate you, you have successfully passed the two tests and become the official members of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple Second, I think there should be some of you who don’t know the information about the Eleven Peaks and the Fifth Hall of the Outer Court. Before the people from the Eleven Peaks come, I will tell you the basics information."

In the history of many small forces, no one has successfully obtained the opportunity to study in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, so they don't know the specific situation of Qingfeng Taoist Temple's outer courtyard, let alone those casual cultivators. Their understanding of Qingfeng Taoist Temple is worse than that of those small forces. less.

(End of this chapter)

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