Chapter 641 Recruitment ([-])

It can be seen from this that the wealth of Qingfeng Taoist Temple is so strong, no wonder there are so many people scrambling to enter Qingfeng Taoist Temple, even those from the big forces are no exception. After all, it is jointly operated by the ten major forces in Qingfeng Town. It is only the five halls of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, the treatment of the eleven peaks of the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard will only be better, not only that, but also other unexpected benefits.

"The Fifth Great Hall is just that good. The Eleventh Peak is at least a hundred times better than the Fifth Great Hall. I hope I can be selected to enter the Eleventh Peak to practice." A student of the eighth-rate force said full of expectations.

"Cousin Yunfei, with your aptitude, you will definitely be selected to enter the White Tiger Peak to practice. At that time, your cultivation speed will be even faster. It may not be too long before you will be able to enter the inner courtyard to practice." A Shen The children of the family said to Shen Yunfei flatteringly.

The White Tiger Peak mentioned by this Shen family child is one of the eleven peaks. Although the Shen family's development history in Qingfeng Town is relatively short, only more than 1 years old, even the two ancestors of the Shen family are not particularly old. , which is only over 1 years old.Although Shen Xiong looks like a middle-aged man, in fact he is not very old, less than 8000 years old, only more than [-] years old, but he fixed his appearance as a middle-aged man when he practiced. He thinks it has prestige Some, other ascetics also do the same.At the age of everyone in the Shen family, they all belong to the extremely young category in the Hongmeng Sanctuary.

The ancestors of the Shen family were not even born in the last Qingfeng Taoist temple enrollment a Hongmeng years ago, so they never entered the Qingfeng Taoist temple to practice, and even the ancestors of the Shen family ancestors did not enter the Qingfeng Taoist temple to practice, because they came from other places. Those who moved to Qingfeng Town, because they rose very quickly, some interested people investigated their origins, but they didn't find out why.

Some people speculate that they may be the children of a certain family from the power above the county seat, and they came to Qingfeng Town because of some special mission, and some speculate that they are casual cultivators from other places, who encountered a great opportunity, so they hid in Qingfeng Since the development of this fringe town, there are different opinions, each has its own theory, each has its own guess, no matter what the guess is, everyone agrees that they definitely have a powerful magic weapon, or else the two ancestors of the Shen family entered Qingfeng It is absolutely impossible to come to Qingfeng Town from other towns with the repair base of Zhenshi Avenue in the later stage.

Because even the closest Qingquan Town to Qingfeng Town, the distance between Qingfeng Town and Qingfeng Town is not very short, even if it is an ordinary Supreme Dao early stage powerhouse who uses his supernatural powers to travel through space with all his strength, it will take more than ten years to get from Qingfeng Town to Qingquan Town. And this is still without any obstacles. You must know that there are countless dangerous places between Qingfeng Town and Qingquan Town.

The people of Qingfeng Town generally have activities in the interior of Qingfeng Town and the outskirts of Yunqing Forest not far from Qingfeng Town. In the periphery, otherwise, we would not only encounter a monster of the saint level. In the depths of the Yunqing forest, even the most powerful people at the peak of the Supreme Dao would not dare to enter, so the range of activities of the ascetics in Qingfeng Town is not large or small. Not small, after all, Qingfeng Town is relatively huge, and the outskirts of Yunqing Forest are enough for the ascetics in Qingfeng Town to move about.

(End of this chapter)

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