Chapter 644 Recruitment ([-])
It’s not surprising that there are other top ten powers. After all, the gap between the top ten powers is not particularly big except for the mayor’s mansion, which ranks first. However, there are other big powers that are far inferior to them. It doesn't matter that they have peerless geniuses, it's not enough to shock them.

After all, to become a big power, the strength will not be too bad, and it's okay for a peerless genius to appear, but what surprised them most is that there are also those small powers, and they add up to a lot.

And the Shen family knew their own situation, so of course they were not shocked by Shen Yunfei, but were shocked that there were so many peerless geniuses with a fusion degree of 30.00%.

Although the people in the No. [-] mayor's mansion were shocked that there were so many peerless geniuses this year, they were even more shocked by Shen Yunfei from the Shen family. a potential threat.

The man in the casual cultivator was shocked by all the news.

Of course, what shocked everyone the most was that Liu Hong said that there was an even more shocking news to tell them after they came. They didn't want to come out to disturb the situation of the Eleventh Peak, but they wanted to investigate the situation of these students secretly first. What made Liu Hong very excited to tell them that there was even more shocking news, and it was related to their Qingfeng Taoist temple. rise.

But in the end they didn't find anything, they just checked everyone's bones, and found many peerless geniuses with excellent bones, but they didn't find any other strange things, and then Liu Hong shouted to them , and they came out.

"Haha, what's the matter? Shangguanze, are you not convinced? If you have the ability, there is someone from your Shangguan family who has reached 30.00% Taoism fusion, show me, hahahaha." Shen Hui laughed wildly.

"So what if the fusion degree of Dao is 30.00%? It may not be able to grow up. You have to know that many future achievements with high talents may not be as good as those with low talents. Many people die in the process of growing up. Hehe." Shangguanze, the man in purple, smiled coldly.

"Okay, stop quarreling. How is it proper to quarrel in front of so many young people?" At this moment, a young man in a golden robe among the 11 people said seriously.

It seemed that due to the identity of the man in the golden robe, or maybe because he didn't want to continue arguing disregarding face in front of so many young people, both of them snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Brother Liu, you said that there is an astonishing news, what exactly is it?" At this time, everyone was already standing on the podium, and the people from the Nine Great Influences who came in from the outside also joined their forces in the Eleventh Peak. Liu Hong also stood with the strong loose cultivator from Yaoguang Peak. Only the man in the golden robe was alone. Although he was alone, his aura was not weak at all. It was the man from the mayor's mansion who ranked first, his name was Ye Zhantian, and he was asking Liu Hong at this moment,

"Hehe, brother Ye, don't worry, after you decide on the criteria for entering the Eleventh Peak, I will arrange other people." Liu Hong said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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