Chapter 654 Choice ([-])

Of course, Ye Zhantian also knew that there were many strongest students on the scene who were only Daoists, and he would not hurt innocent people, so his power was only aimed at the Supreme Daoists from the nine major forces. Affected, of course, with Wukong's powerful body at this time, which is stronger than ordinary Supreme Dao early stage powerhouses, it should be able to resist without being injured, but Ye Zhantian didn't know this.

Most of the Supreme Dao powerhouses of the nine major forces present are at the early stage of the first-order Supreme Dao, a few are at the middle stage of the first-order Supreme Dao, and Ye Zhantian is at the late stage of the first-order Supreme Dao, although it is only a small stage. , There is only a difference in the later stage, but the difference in strength is very different.

It can be said that a monk in the middle stage of Supreme Dao can instantly kill tens of thousands of monks in the early stage of Supreme Dao, and a monk in the later stage can kill [-] monks in the middle stage. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the difference in strength. The challenges get harder.

Unless it is someone with a particularly high talent, who has practiced a particularly powerful technique, or who has a powerful magic weapon, he can leapfrog the challenge. Of course, the talent he challenges must be an ordinary cultivator, whose cultivation skills are not as good as his, and there is no particularly powerful magic weapon Otherwise, it would be impossible to make up for the lack of cultivation, so it is very difficult for ordinary ascetics to leapfrog challenges.

Therefore, Ye Zhantian's coercion is very strong at this time. This is due to his deliberate control of power. He will not recklessly kill all the people from the nine major forces. As they said, the mayor's mansion is indeed not yet The ability to compete with all the ascetics in Qingfeng Town except the mayor's mansion was just exaggerated before. If he killed them, he would cause public anger. He didn't want to cause civil strife in Qingfeng Town because of his own reasons. This is not the result that I or even the mayor's mansion want to see.

The Supreme Dao powerhouses of the nine powers did not expect that Ye Zhantian would do it as soon as he said he would do it. They thought that Ye Zhantian would never have the guts to offend all the nine powers, so they were completely defenseless. They vomited blood collectively and were all injured, but even if they were prepared, they probably couldn't resist Ye Zhantian.

"Enough, enough is enough!" At this moment, Zhu Lao scolded angrily, and a force stronger than Ye Zhantian erupted from Zhu Lao, imposing Ye Zhantian on the supreme power of the nine powers. The power on the body is dissolved.

, Ye Zhantian's coercion was interrupted. Although Ye Zhantian was very angry, he did not get angry with Zhu Lao, but said to Zhu Lao with a slightly grateful tone: "Since Zhu Lao said so, I also I won’t argue with you villains, lest someone slander our mayor’s mansion behind our backs, remember, the prestige of my mayor’s mansion is not something you can slander at will.”

Ye Zhantian felt a little regretful after exerting his coercion just now. Even if he didn't kill them or seriously injure them, it would be very difficult to deal with them kindly, but if he stopped immediately, the majesty of the mayor's mansion would be weakened. Changfu's dominance in Qingfeng Town will be threatened, so Ye Zhantian is in a dilemma at this time.

When Ye Zhantian was in trouble, Zhu Lao made a move, which happened to give himself a step down, and he just accepted it as soon as he saw it, and he couldn't do it too much, otherwise it would really get out of hand. Suffering multiple injuries, he quickly stopped. Of course, at the same time, Ye Zhantian also took the opportunity to warn the nine major forces that the prestige of the mayor's mansion should not be weakened, so that they would not dare to really mess around.

(End of this chapter)

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