Chapter 656 Choice (Eight)

"What's wrong with you guys? Why do you bow your head to Ye Zhantian and admit your mistake? Are we still afraid that they will fail when we unite?" Shen Hui said angrily when he heard that the other eight major forces actually gave in to Ye Zhantian.

If the other eight major forces are unwilling to confront the mayor's mansion, how can the Shen family persuade other forces to join their camp.

Shangguanze looked at Shen Hui and Shen Xiong coldly, as if they were looking at dead people, and the other members of the eight major forces also remained silent, looking at the two supreme Dao powerhouses of the Shen family with expressionless faces.

Due to the rapid development of the Shen family, it is a rising star. Because of the relationship of interests, the eight major forces tend to reject the Shen family, while the mayor's mansion remains neutral, and the major forces that have good relations with the Shen family are only ranked in the middle of the seven forces. downstream.

Now the two of the Shen family are still recklessly offending the mayor's mansion, not only will they not advise the two of the Shen family, but they hope that the mayor's mansion can take this opportunity to get rid of the Shen family.In this way, they have one less formidable competitor.

"Shen Hui, Shen Xiong, you are enough, if you continue to make trouble, it will not be good for your Shen family." At this moment, Zhu Lao said again.

"Huh?" The two of the Shen family heard what Zhu Lao said, and looked at the reactions of the other eight major forces, and they understood what was going on. It seems that they still underestimated the mayor's mansion, and pondered for a while , the two stopped talking.

Not making trouble anymore does not mean that they are willing to bow their heads to Ye Zhantian and admit their mistakes. They just saw that something was wrong and temporarily succumbed. They still don’t care about the mayor’s mansion in their hearts. The dominance of the Changfu.

Seeing that the two of the Shen family stopped talking, Ye Zhantian did not continue to pursue them. He also understood that everything should not be too extreme. The development of Qingfeng Town not only needs their mayor's mansion, but also requires the joint development of other forces just work.

In this way, a farce ended.

"Okay, okay, the unpleasant matter is over now, no one should mention it again, now we will recruit all the students according to the old rules, before the five of them enter the Eleventh Peak to practice, no one should mention recruiting them again Of course, you have to respect their own choices, and you can't force them." At this moment, Zhu Lao stood up to break the embarrassment.

"Just do what Zhu Lao said." Ye Zhantian first agreed with Zhu Lao's suggestion.

"Agreed." The others also agreed, and at this time they had to hide their thoughts even if they still had ideas.

Although the two members of the Shen family had not experienced the enrollment of Eleven Peaks in the past, they had heard of the enrollment rules in the past, and they had to reluctantly agree to the current situation.

After everyone made a decision, Ye Zhantian and Liu Hong returned to the podium.

Then Liu Hong stood up and continued to host: "Students, listen carefully. Next, 11 yuan jade plaques will appear in front of you. These 11 yuan jade plaques represent the identity jade plaques of the Eleven Peaks. You can choose according to your Which of the top ten powers is the manager of the area you are in, or which power the manager belongs to has a good relationship with which of the top ten powers, you can join whichever peak, of course, you also have the right to choose other peaks, but will you be affected? It's hard to say if you are excluded or encounter other situations. However, don't think that entering the ten peaks under the jurisdiction of the top ten forces is equivalent to joining the top ten forces. Whether you can join the top ten forces depends on your performance in the ten peaks. If the managers of the ten peaks like it, then you will have the opportunity to join or make friends with the top ten forces."

(End of this chapter)

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