Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

673 Chapter 3 The turmoil and undercurrents

Chapter 673 Storms and Undercurrents ([-])
"Huh? Look, the cultivation of these two juniors and girls has actually reached the eighth and fifth ranks of the Dao, ah! Why are they so young? They are only a few thousand years old. How is this possible? Could it be that I I got it wrong." Suddenly a man exclaimed.

When such a man screamed in surprise, more people immediately paid attention to Wukong and Wukong, and at the same time, they all checked their cultivation realm and fate patterns.

Wukong and Zixia didn't deliberately hide their cultivation, so others can see the realm of Wukong's cultivation at this time, and the fate pattern can be easily seen.

"It's true, they are really young, and their cultivation has really reached the eighth and fifth levels of the Great Dao." Another person confirmed.

"Aren't they new students from our Yaoguang Peak, but old students from other peaks?" Another student asked suspiciously.

"You are stupid, even if it is the veteran students of the other ten peaks, the youngest of the veteran students is also from the previous class, and they are at least one Hongmeng old now. They are only a few thousand years old, so they cannot be veteran students." Another objected.

"If they are new students, given their age of several thousand years, they should have been casual cultivators before. As casual cultivators, they have reached such a cultivation level at this age. It seems that they are not only talented, but also have many adventures. In the past, we Each class of Yaoguang Peak’s new students who just entered Yaoguang Peak’s highest cultivation record was only at the third level of the Great Dao. Now this year, a new student of the eighth and fifth level of the Great Dao came, and they also So young, is it possible that our Yaoguang Peak is about to rise." Another person said with emotion.

They didn't wait for Wukong to talk at all, and everyone was talking about it.

"Hello, my name is Sun Wukong, and her name is Zixia. We are new students recruited by Yaoguang Peak this year. May I ask if you are the students recruited by Yaoguang Peak in the past? None of you have graduated yet?" From the conversation of everyone Wukong has already learned that these people should be the veteran students recruited by Yaoguang Peak in the past, but Wukong wonders why they are still here because they have been practicing here for so long. Could it be that they haven't graduated yet, or is there some other reason.

"Uh, hello, Junior Sun Wukong, Junior Zixia, my name is Tian Kai, I am a student of Yaoguang Peak who is two years older than you, you can call me Senior Tian Kai, they are also students of Yaoguang Peak, Although none of us have graduated, we have already achieved the qualifications for graduation. You must be wondering why this is the case. In fact, I was also very puzzled when I first came here. In fact, the reason is very simple. We all want to get The Dao Seal of Nothingness, so as to break through the shackles of the Great Dao and achieve a higher fruit status." The young man who first questioned Wukong and the other two said enthusiastically to Wukong and the others.

"Senior Tian Kai, thank you for telling me, we still have to go to collect the fixed training resources allocated, so we will leave first." Wukong learned from Tian Kai and others' words that the students in Qingfeng Taoist Temple should call each other seniors, Schoolboy, schoolgirl and other titles.

"Haha, junior Monkey King, junior sister Zixia, you have met the right person. I am responsible for allocating cultivation resources. I planned to find you, but I didn't expect to meet you when I came here. By the way, Are you two the only new students of our Yaoguang Peak this year?" Tian Kai laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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