Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

683 Chapter 3 Undercurrents and Undercurrents

Chapter 683
In a secret room deep in Shangguan's house, 68 Supreme Dao powerhouses of Shangguan's house were also discussing.

"Old Ancestor, the mayor's mansion has already put Zhang's family under surveillance, and we have no way to find out the news." A Supreme Daoist from Shangguan's family reported to Shangguan Yuanjunhui.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do? We can't confront them in the mayor's mansion, but we can't just sit and watch the secret that can greatly increase the integration of the opposite way be swallowed up by their mayor's mansion." In that way, the mayor's mansion will become stronger in the future, and we will not be able to surpass the mayor's mansion." Shangguan Chengtian said worriedly.

"Hey, we don't know what news their mayor's mansion got. It won't benefit us if we act rashly, so we have nothing to do at the moment. We can only wait and see what happens and see if there are other forces Go and touch this bad luck, and then it will depend on the situation." Shangguan Yuanjun said with a sigh.

"Old Ancestor, could it be that Zhang Yi took the Enlightenment Pill to increase his fusion degree so much? Also, did the four of Zixia also take the Enlightenment Pill to greatly increase the elixir, although Zhang Yi's The news was blocked, but the information that one of the four Zixia obtained a Dao Enlightenment Pill after participating in the regional competition can still be found out." said the Supreme Dao powerhouse before.

"It's definitely not because of the Dao Enlightenment Pill. Although the Dao Enlightenment Pill is only a high-grade grandmist spirit pill, it is very difficult to refine, and its function is against the sky. Therefore, its value is not inferior to a low-grade grandmist spirit pill, even higher Most low-grade Hongmeng elixir is even higher, the Zhang family is just a small low-level force, even a relatively strong low-level force, with their financial resources, it is difficult to afford a Enlightenment Pill." Shangguan Yuanjun denied it.

Then Shangguan Yuanjun went on to analyze: "Even if their Zhang family got a Dao Enlightenment Pill by accident, and they were willing to use it on a younger family member, it is impossible for Zhang Yi to increase so many people who are right with a Dao Enlightenment Pill." In terms of fusion degree, after all, Dao Enlightenment Pill is just a high-grade grandmist panacea. The higher the degree of fusion, the more difficult it is to improve the fusion degree of the opposite way. Many people can't even increase the degree of fusion by one percent. Infinitely close to one percent, their comprehension of Tao is stronger than before."

"As for the four of Zixia, it is even more impossible to take the Enlightenment Pill. It takes at least ten days to refine the Enlightenment Pill, and it must be refined in the space of the Hongmeng Sanctuary. , otherwise it’s useless, it’s only been three days since Zixia and the others obtained the Enlightenment Pill, and it’s too late to refine it.” Shangguan Yuanjun continued.

Shangguan Yuanjun then asked the former Supreme Daoist: "Qianyi, is the information about Zixia and the others only those who participated in the regional competition?"

"Reporting to the ancestors, we found out that Zixia and the other four were originally the guests of the Zhang family. They all knew each other. As for other information about them, there is no other information about them, because the Zhang family is under the control of the mayor's mansion. Our understanding of them started after they participated in the regional competition with members of the Zhang family, and we have no way to find out the previous information." Shangguan Qianyi replied respectfully.

"What? You said that the four of them were originally the guests of the Zhang family, and their degree of fusion with the Tao is so high. Could it be that they have something to do with Zhang Yi's sudden increase in the degree of fusion with the Tao?" Shangguan Yuanjun was surprised said to himself.

Then Shangguan Yuanjun ordered: "Listen well, don't worry about the Zhang family's affairs for now, first win over Zixia and others, as long as we can win them over, not only can we solve some of our doubts, but also get a few Geniuses with great potential, remember, even if they don’t want to join our Shangguan family, don’t be their enemy, try to be friendly with them.”

"Of order." Everyone replied in unison.

At the same time, the Supreme Dao powerhouses of the other seven major forces are also discussing similar issues.

Of course, the results are not the same. Some want to make friends with Zixia and the others, while others have the intention that if I can’t get it, others can’t get it. As long as Zixia and the others are unwilling to join their forces, they will take tough measures. Means, if necessary, kill Zixia and others, including the Gongsun family.

In this way, under the illusion of peace in Qingfeng town, there are actually turbulent disturbances.

(End of this chapter)

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