Chapter 705 Intimidation ([-])
Although he was upset, Wukong would not be angry because of this, let alone make a move. This has nothing to do with him, so why impose it on himself.

Watching all the monsters leave, all the students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, especially those who had no relationship with Lu Peng, were not excited about the lack of competitors.

Instead, I was very nervous and worried.

First, they are far from Lu Peng's opponents, and they will definitely not be able to compete with Lu Peng at that time. Although there are elites in the inner court who know as well as Lu Peng among them, they have not informed them at all that the treasures and inheritance of Tianjian Pavilion are so important. soon be purple
The news that Xia got, they didn't pass it back to the outer court to those who didn't come, and the few students sent by the peak master didn't inform those peak masters immediately. They didn't want more people to share the treasure, so they all held it. With a fluke mind, I want to swallow it alone.

And even if the elites in the inner court were notified that they were not weaker than Lu Peng, they couldn't come in a short time. Maybe Zixia would come out soon, and they probably couldn't make it before then.

Second, when Lu Peng was driving away those monsters, his eyes shot at them from time to time. Although he didn't say it publicly, everyone was not a fool. Lu Peng was obviously warning them to leave, but he was worried about offending everyone. Powerful person

, especially the people from the top ten forces, so I didn't say it directly.

As time went by bit by bit, all the students pretended not to understand what Lu Peng meant, and continued to wait where they were, not going to see Lu Peng at all.

As time went by, Lu Peng's expression gradually turned cold. He didn't know that these people were playing sloppy, and they were simply pretending to be confused.

Although these people can't rob him with his strength, it is inevitable that there will be scuffles, and casualties will easily occur in scuffles. At that time, I will offend many powerful forces no less than my own.
The existing forces will suffer accordingly.

Even in Qingfeng Taoist temple, it is normal to break into some secret realms and dangerous places, and the competition among students will cause casualties, but that is basically to kill people from a small number of forces who are not much stronger or weaker than yourself, and now I am here real
The power completely exceeds the sum of these outer courtyard students, they will inevitably unite to deal with themselves first, and then they will definitely kill many people from the big forces that are stronger than their own forces.

Thinking of this, Lu Peng felt a headache.

"Since you're pretending to be confused, then just click. If you still don't want to leave, then make the worst plan and find a place to hide after snatching the treasure and inheritance." Lu Peng's eyes flashed a fierce look, he just Get ready to flee, say you will

Everyone present killed and annihilated their primordial spirits and souls. It was a bit unrealistic to destroy the corpses and traces.

Let's not talk about whether I can completely annihilate all of them in an instant. Even with that strength, those supreme Dao powerhouses in Qingfeng Taoist Temple are not vegetarians.

I learned some of the situation here from the beast's mouth and speculated, so I can't take that risk.

"The treasure of the suspected Void Dao powerhouse may contain the Void Dao seal. I got those treasures and inheritances. As long as I hide and practice in secret, one day I will surpass those Supreme Dao powerhouses in Qingfeng Town. If they treat me family

If you say something, then they will be buried with my family, if not, then their lives will be saved, Qingfeng Town will not be up to me, who will I be afraid of?hey-hey. "Thinking of the treasure and inheritance of the suspected powerhouse of the Dao of Nothingness, a trace of greed appeared in the corner of Lu Peng's eyes.
With the color of greed, he is even more determined to seize the treasure and inheritance desperately.

Then a powerful coercion emanated from Lu Peng's body and swept the audience.

"Hmph, are you planning to stay here to get a share of the pie?" With Lu Peng snorting coldly, everyone felt a powerful aura pressing on them. top ranked resistance is ok

Take it easy, everyone else was shivering under the pressure of this powerful momentum, and of course Wukong dealt with it more easily.

(End of this chapter)

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