Chapter 724 Awakening ([-])

In the second room on the first floor of the Juling Pagoda, the energy was finally completely consumed.

With the help of that energy, his cultivation base after the skyrocketing has also stabilized. At this time, Wukong's body, soul, soul, etc. have all improved.

Feeling his own energy, Wukong can be sure that the current self can instantly kill the previous self with a random punch, and the previous self is absolutely confident to kill Lu Peng in the inner courtyard with a full explosion.

When I rescued Zixia before, I didn't use my full strength at all. I just wanted to entangle Lu Peng for a while so that Zixia could escape. After all, I didn't have any grudges with Lu Peng. Peng's that
At most, a member of the tribe was slightly injured. I didn't expect Zixia to entangle Lu Peng with such a powerful move in the end. This also caused Wukong to not use any more powerful moves, so he had to take Zixia and leave quickly. .

"It's so strong." Clenched his fist, Wukong murmured excitedly, but he still felt a little regretful, "Although it's very strong, it's still too far away from the Supreme Dao, and I don't know if it's good or not for me to do this." it is good."

"Since I told you that doing this will only benefit you and not harm you, then I will not deceive you, and there is no need for me to deceive you." The mysterious voice from before reappeared in Wukong's mind.

"Who the hell are you?" At this moment, Wukong was not in the middle of an epiphany, so he unfolded Daoxuan in an instant, trying to find him.

"You don't need to look for it, I'm not outside, I'm in your universe." The mysterious voice came again.

"What? In my universe, the Xuanling universe has been swallowed and assimilated by the Qitian universe, so it is in the Qitian universe, isn't it?" Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Wukong's Daoxuan immediately penetrated into Qitian in the universe,

It appears at the core of the universe in its own form.

At the core of the Qitian universe is floating a piece of purple jade, which is 'empty'.

After much deliberation, in the Qitian universe, only 'Kong' who caused the Qitian universe to change is most likely to be the owner of that mysterious voice.

Looking at 'Kong' in front of him, Wukong finally asked: "Is it you who spoke before?"

At this time, one second seems as long as thousands of years to Wukong. If what he said before is really "empty", then he can finally uncover the mystery of "empty" and understand its origin and purpose.

When the time comes, will my Qi Tian universe still be able to mutate, and will I still get benefits?Then everything will be revealed.

Staring nervously at 'Kong', Wukong didn't wait long, only two or three breaths, and as expected, it was 'Kong' who spoke before.

"That's right, I'm the one talking to you." 'Kong' was shining with purple light, and a deep voice came from it.

"It's really you, that's great, can you introduce yourself? And what's the benefit of letting me do that before?" Wukong was overjoyed the moment Kong spoke.

"What is my origin? You are not qualified to know with your current strength. I am not complete now. The small part of jade that was fused before is a part of my body, and the black beads you got at the auction before

It's actually my core soul. "'Kong' said very proudly.

"The black bead? I thought it was missing. It turned out to have been fused with another part of your body, or your core soul. Why didn't you communicate with me before? Now you choose to communicate with me, just because
Did I help you find another part of your body? "Besides the shock, Wukong didn't lose his mind. He intuitively told himself that there must be other reasons for the other party to choose to communicate with him now.

(End of this chapter)

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