Chapter 734 Return ([-])

Zheng Xinghan was just about to make a move, but Wu Kong interrupted him, "I advise you not to think about making a move, but to attack with your strongest attack, otherwise you will have no chance. gone."

"What? He actually read my mind? Impossible, it must be a guess, that's right, it's just a wild guess." Zheng Xinghan hesitated a little after hearing Wukong's shout, but soon glared at Wukong and said angrily. : "Hmph, little
Son, you still dare to be so arrogant at this point, then let me see what capital you have for being arrogant? "

While speaking, the temperature around Zheng Xinghan's body dropped suddenly, and huge ice thorns condensed out one after another. Zheng Xinghan shouted violently: "Ice thorns of death", and thousands of huge ice thorns stabbed Wukong fiercely.

Zheng Xinghan didn't take Wukong's words to heart at all, this move seemed to be just a test, because the martial skill that Zheng Xinghan used was only a low-grade martial skill of the Hongmeng Huang rank, and it would not have the slightest bonus effect on him today. and
He was also at the bottom level in the late stage of the Dao Consummation, so the attack power he erupts now is only 420 cosmic power, which is a little bit stronger than his normal full-strength punch.

"Hey! It's said that if you don't use your strongest move, you will have no chance, and you don't know how to cherish the opportunity." Facing Zheng Xinghan's ice thorns, Wukong not only did not change color at all, but also felt a little regretful. He shook his head and said.

It was another random punch, a very simple punch. Under the inconceivable gaze of everyone, thousands of ice thorns were instantly shattered. At the same time, Zheng Xinghan was also sent flying with the punch, without any resistance at all.

Pang Guodong, who was assisting in the battle, was suddenly frightened. He easily dealt with Zheng Xinghan, who was not weaker than him. Even if Zheng Xinghan didn't use all the means, this move was almost equivalent to [-]% of Zheng Xinghan's combat power. want to
It is also impossible to crack it with such a random punch, and also knock the opponent into the air.

Looking at Wukong's appearance is simply too casual. I can be sure that the rumors are true, and the rumors also underestimate Wukong.

Should he make a move, he might end up like Zheng Xinghan, easily defeated, easily defeated by a rookie, it would not be good to spread the word, if he did not make a move, he would definitely not be able to do it, Cui Shao would definitely not be able to forgive himself afterwards.

Forget it, the left and right are dead, it's better to fight, even if you lose, you have to let the opponent take off a layer of skin.

Just when Pang Guodong was about to make a move, Young Master Cui suddenly yelled: "Quick, all of you, take this person down quickly." It turned out that Young Master Cui suddenly noticed two groups of people rushing towards this side in the distance.

Wukong also looked happy at this time, because the other two people finally arrived soon.

"Boy, your combat power is very strong. I guess it is also in the upper middle class in the late stage of the Dao Consummation, but it is a pity that you met me." Before it was too late, Cui Shao stretched out his right hand, and a huge ice blue Color palms condensed in the sky above Wukong

Go out and grab Wukong directly.

"Hmph, you are just like them, you are still too weak." I thought that Wukong could be easily caught, but what I didn't expect was that Wukong still easily smashed the huge palm that he transformed into with one punch.

This change immediately stopped the other people who were about to make a move. They stared at Wukong with a look of shock on their faces, and said in disbelief: "It's a half-respect, definitely a half-respect, how is it possible? Isn't it a newcomer?" ? Didn't it mean Avenue [-]
A level of cultivation?Why did he suddenly become a demigod? "

The person who said this was one of the other two great masters at the peak of Dao Perfection. He knew exactly what strength Cui Shao was. Half respect, such a strong man

The supernatural powers displayed were also easily broken by the opponent. It is conceivable that only the powerhouses above the half-respect level can do it.

In fact, those whose combat strength is far superior to their own cultivation can also do it, but they are only residents of such a remote town as Qingfeng Town, and it is difficult for them to go to other towns, or even to more powerful cities, so their vision is inevitably a bit low.

(End of this chapter)

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