Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 748 Competition Time

Chapter 748 Competition Time ([-])
"It's so far away. With our current progress speed, we won't be able to reach it after the one-year period expires. I can't say clearly that I found a half-monster beast at such a long distance. Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Keep a low profile, I have to find a way to attract everyone to rush there quickly." Wukong thought to himself.

With an idea, Wukong quickly thought of a feasible method, "Nine-turn Hongmeng Transformation."

The nine-turn Hongmeng change and the 72 change are also comprehended by Wukong from the nine-turn Xuangong. It can also be said to be an upgraded version of the 72 change. The 72 change is too low for the current Wukong to use it. Based on the 72 changes, I comprehended the current nine-turn Hongmeng change.

Nine-turn Hongmeng Bian has a total of nine changes, that is, nine levels, and now Wukong has also comprehended the first change, "Recognition Change".

'Recognition of change' is a transformation technique performed by using divine consciousness. It is performed with Wukong's current Daoxuan stage. Although limited by his own cultivation, it is already comparable to the transformation technique of the top grade of the Hongmeng Huang rank.

Wukong's Daoxuan is far higher than Xu Yi's Shengnian, and Xu Yi will not be aware of it at all when he uses the transformation.

"Haha, monsters of the half-respected level, haha, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and they all come after me without any effort." Suddenly Xu Yi yelled, and took the lead in teleporting forward.

"This Xu Yi is really reckless. I'm not afraid that the monster will lure him away from the mountain, and then send other monsters to destroy us. Even if he gets the map fragments, he will still be eliminated. Hey, probably Time is running out, I finally saw the half-monster beast, my brain must be short-circuited for a while." Although he knew that the half-monster beast was transformed by himself to lure Xu Yi to the front on purpose.

Xu Yi's recklessness is just enough to lure him to the real half monster without wasting too much time, but Wukong is also a little speechless about Xu Yi's recklessness.

Speechless, Wukong and several others also hurriedly chased after him.

However, after all, Yunxuanling's cultivation base was too far behind Xu Yi's, and Wukong also suppressed his strength. In addition, everyone was a little slower, so Wukong and others were far behind by Xu Yi, Yunxuanling Several people have been unable to detect Xu Yi's trace.

"Huh? This Xu Yi is not too reckless, at least he left a mark so that we can know which direction he ran." Although Wukong suppressed his cultivation, he was also the tallest among them. The distance is the closest, followed by Yunxuanling, Yunxuanling and the three of them have long hidden their cultivation under Wukong's instructions, and now Yunxuanling only shows the realm of the sixth-order cultivation of the Dao, so Wukong is in a few people's hands. Among them, the superficial cultivation is the highest.

Chasing after following the distance left by Xu Yi, Wukong saw Xu Yi not long after.

At this time, Xu Yi was playing with the map fragments in his hand with a face of joy. Seeing Wukong's arrival, Xu Yi put away his smile, then put away the map fragments, and said to Wukong expressionlessly: "Hmph, a group of draggers Guys who retreat, I have already killed that monster for a long time, and you just arrived."

Wukong didn't care about Xu Yi's cynicism, but stood there waiting for Yunxuanling and the others to arrive.

Earlier, Wukong condensed a part of Daoxuan and transformed into a semi-venerable leopard-shaped monster in the distance. This leopard-shaped monster is exactly the same as the leopard-shaped monster Wukong discovered. Wukong changed the appearance of the leopard-shaped monster according to the discovery made.

When it was about to lead Xu Yi to the real leopard-shaped monster, it dissipated at a place that could not be detected by both, and left behind a disguised trace heading in the direction of the real leopard-shaped monster.

Afterwards, Xu Yi was guided to the real leopard-shaped monster. Seeing that the leopard-shaped monster hadn't run away, Xu Yi of course started to kill it as soon as it came up. The monster was wiped out before it could make a sound, and even the soul of the primordial spirit was wiped out, leaving only the true spirit to reincarnate.

(End of this chapter)

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