Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 750 Competition Time

Chapter 750 Competition Time ([-])
When the half monster transformed by Wukong entered the range of Xu Yi's holy thoughts, Xu Yi discovered it immediately.

The moment he found the fake half-monster, Xu Yi said in a ecstatic voice, "Haha, God helped me, and found another half-monster."

But just as Xu Yi stepped out to chase after the half monster, he stopped there abruptly, as if he was thinking about something, suddenly became very serious, and his facial expression changed again and again.

"This Xu Yi won't suddenly become suspicious at this time, right?" Xu Yi's every move was under Wukong's nose. Seeing Xu Yi's sudden abnormality, Wukong's heart thumped, and a bad feeling emerged.

"Senior Xu, didn't you just say that you found another half monster?" This matter cannot be delayed, so Wukong reminded him.

"Although we don't know who is behind the scenes for what purpose, but we were fooled, we must leave here immediately, and we can't go east." Xu Yi didn't answer Wukong's question directly, but Xu Yi said a news that shocked everyone.

"Can't go east? Is there something terrible in the east?" Wukong didn't continue to ask, but thought in his heart.

Although Wukong didn't ask, someone asked, "Tricked? Why can't we go east? We got so many map fragments by going east." It was Hong Long who flattered him earlier, he didn't understand what Xu Yi said at all.

"Hmph, if you want to die, keep heading east, otherwise just follow me honestly." After speaking, Xu Yi ignored everyone and flew towards the south.

"Continuing like this is not an option, it seems that we have to fight." Wukong decided to have a good talk with Xu Yi.

"Wait, I have something to say."

After saying this, Wukong suddenly felt a powerful coercion attacking him. Wukong just shook slightly, and the coercion dissipated. If this coercion suddenly acts on an ordinary eighth-level Taoist monk There will definitely be obvious effects on the body.

But it's really useless to use it against yourself.

"Huh? I still have some skills, but they are just bigger ants. If you dare to disobey me, then I will let you know the fate of disobeying me." Xu Yi was very surprised by Wukong's resistance, and then turned to He turned around and said to Wukong in a high-spirited manner.

In an instant, a more powerful coercion erupted from Xu Yi and attacked Wukong.

"That's enough. I have something to say. If you don't want to pass the competition, just go on like this. I won't be afraid of you. Otherwise, just listen to me." Wukong drank lightly, and this smell could threaten Daodao Dao The coercion of perfection was also easily broken by Wukong.

"Hey, how dare you talk to this young master like this." Xu Yi did not lower his pressure again, but looked at Wukong with great interest.

"Presumptuous, you dare to talk to Senior Xu like this, I think you don't want to live anymore." Seeing the opportunity, Hong Long quickly shouted to Wukong, wanting to flatter Xu Yi.

"Yes, don't think that you can get carried away because you have a high degree of integration with the Tao. In the eyes of Senior Xu, you are nothing." Of course Jiang Yiping is not far behind.

"You bunch of villains." Of course, Yun Xuanling and the others would not allow others to speak ill of Wukong, and immediately stood up and shouted to Hong Long and the others.

"Xiao Ling, you step back, there is no need to be angry with this kind of person." Wu Kong signaled Yun Xuanling and the others not to be impulsive, and then looked directly at Xu Yi.

"Don't you want to rebel?" Hong Long and the others regarded themselves as Xu Yi's subordinates, and said to Wukong and the others with a ferocious face.

"Noisy! You two get the hell out of here, Master. You haven't said anything yet. You're acting like a tiger." Suddenly Xu Yi yelled at Hong Long and the two of them, scaring them into a fright.

"Young Master Xu, forgive me, we are just." Hong Long hurriedly wanted to explain.

"Get out." Xu Yi didn't give them a chance to reply at all.

"Yes, Young Master Xu, please forgive me. Let's get out of here." Hong Long and the others were so frightened that they quickly stepped aside.

(End of this chapter)

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