Chapter 772 Looting ([-])

As for the phantom stone, it is divided into four grades: low, medium, high, and extreme. The function of the phantom stone is to improve the ability to perceive and quickly cultivate the secret method to a higher level.

Especially if it is used to cultivate the secret method obtained in the illusionary secret realm, the effect is better, and the higher the level, the better the effect.

However, the probability of phantoms dropping phantom stones is relatively low, especially for low-level ones. On average, only one of the first-level red phantoms will drop phantom stones, which is the lowest.

An average of [-] second-level red phantoms will drop a low-grade phantom stone, and an average of [-] third-level red phantoms will drop a low-grade phantom stone.

"Let's go deeper!" Wukong said calmly, looking into the depths of the Illusory Realm.

Now Wukong and his party are still in the outer area of ​​the outer ring.

"Stop, and leave me the magic stone you got." Just as the three of Wukong were about to go deeper, a sharp voice sounded from the right.

A group of more than a dozen people appeared not far to Wukong's right. These people, Wukong and others, had discovered it long ago, but they didn't care. After all, not only Wukong and others came here to look for opportunities, but also a large number of contestants.

After all, more than a month has passed, and those who are willing to continue exploring and have the ability to explore have already entered.

Without the slightest pause, the three of Wukong continued to move forward.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuu!" The sound of the wind sounded, and the dozen or so people came to the front of Wukong and the others in an instant, blocking the way of Wukong and the others.

A young man in black stepped out, stared at Wukong and the others coldly and said, "I told you to keep the magic stone, didn't you hear?"

"Why should I give you the magic stone we obtained?" Before Wukong had time to speak, Yun Xuanling stood up, looked at each other without any sign of weakness, and said angrily.

"We are stronger than you because of our strength, and the highest level of cultivation is no more than the eighth level of the Dao. We dare to come here, and we don't know how to live or die." With a sneer, a powerful coercion erupted from the young man in black, directly pressing on Goku three people.

"The Dao is perfect, the other people have five great ways, eight one-star and a half high-level beginners, and one one-star and a half high-level middle-level, it seems that they are casual cultivators in the realm of fantasy." Wukong Daoxuan swept away, and the black man in front of him The cultivation levels of the man in clothes and the 14 people behind him are clear at a glance.

Wukong and Wukong didn't feel much of the coercion of the man in black, but Qi Yanfeng's cultivation base was low and he couldn't resist this powerful coercion, but he still stood up straight and resisted firmly.

"Hmph!" Wukong snorted coldly, and the coercion of the young man in black immediately dissipated.

"Huh? I still have some skills, but it's still useless. Obediently leave the phantom stone, and then you get lost, or I will make you regret coming to this world." The corner of the black-clothed youth raised his mouth and said coldly.

"You guys like to rob others so much, you should be prepared to be robbed." Stepping forward, Wukong said coldly to the group of young men in black.

"What did you say? Be prepared to be robbed, am I right!? Just rely on you? Haha!" The young man in black said with an exaggerated expression, pointing at Wukong in disbelief.

"Hahahaha!" The people behind the young man in black also laughed wildly as if hearing a big joke.

"Crack!" There was a sudden sound of bone fractures. At this moment, the laughter of everyone stopped abruptly, but the surface was still in the state of laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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