Chapter 774 Law Fruit Tree ([-])

"Hehe, sneak attack? It's ridiculous. In this case, the battle between me and him is not over yet. Don't worry, I won't 'sneak attack' him. I will give him time to heal his injuries." Hearing that the other party not only interfered in the battle, but actually He also said such shameless words, which made Yunxuan laugh outrageously.

"Hmph, I said you were a sneak attack, and you did a sneak attack. You two don't have to continue fighting. Since you don't take the initiative to hand over the magic stone, don't blame me for being cruel." The blue-clothed youth standing in front of the black-clothed youth said lightly. Said.

"It's thanks to you for saying such shameless words. Since you want to overwhelm others with power, then I will repay you." At this moment, Wukong walked out calmly. Every time he took a step forward, Wukong's aura would increase. , until the end, Wukong directly exposed the power of the two-star half-lord.

Changing from the ordinary temperament before, at this time, Wukong was a god of war, with a monstrous aura, and the young man in blue suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation, as if there were eleven avenues of universe oppressing him, which was extremely heavy .

"Two-star and half-honored, you, you also hide your cultivation." The young man in blue looked at Wukong in shock. At this moment, he regretted provoking the three of Wukong.

So he changed his aggressive attitude just now and made a 360-degree change. He bowed his body and said to Wukong with a smile on his face: "My lord, this is all a misunderstanding, it's the damned black feather who is coming to rob you!" Your lord, I will hand him over to you, and let him dispose of it as you like."

At this moment, not only did the blue-clothed youth become very humble, he even abandoned his companion directly, very resolutely. Compared to his own life, the life of his companion could be given up casually for him.

"Misunderstanding? If our strength is weaker than yours, it's all up to you. If we win, it's a sneak attack. Now I'm stronger than you, but you say everything is a misunderstanding and shift the responsibility to your subordinates. Do you think I, I will take this as a misunderstanding, could it be that I am such a stupid person in your eyes?" Wukong stared at the past, not angry but mighty.

The golden eyes revealed an arrogance and introverted overlord. Under Wukong's stare, the young man in blue was terrified and trembling, unable to raise the slightest intention of resistance.

"No, my lord, that's not what I meant." The young man in blue quickly explained.

"Hmph, don't need to say more, you go aside, since you robbed us, then hand over all the magic stones you got, and at the same time, I will give him time to heal his injuries, and then fight Xiao Ling after he recovers." With a cold snort, Wukong interrupted the blue-clothed youth's explanation.

Since we plundered us, then we will treat him in the same way as others. Since you said that Xiao Ling was a sneak attack, then let you have time to heal your wounds and restore your full strength, and then let Xiao Ling use a high-profile blow to decide the outcome.

"My lord, there is no need to compare the two of them. I admit that this lord is not a sneak attack. He defeated Hei Yu with his own strength. Are you right?" The young man in blue bowed to Wukong first, nodded and bowed, and then turned to his subordinates. asked.

"Yes, this lord won with his own strength." The others immediately echoed.

"Hei Yu, were you attacked by surprise or defeated by this lord with his own strength? You have the most say, what do you say?" Then the blue-clothed youth turned around and said to Hei Yu, and at the same time, the blue-clothed youth's eyes flicked together. Li Mang flashed past.

(End of this chapter)

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