Chapter 783 Forgive You (Part [-])

Time passed little by little, and when Wukong finally got close to the Huanzhen Fruit Tree, three groups of people had gathered near the Huanzhen Fruit Tree, one of which included Ye Yang and his party.

Ye Yang and others had already discovered Wukong within the scope of everyone's holy thoughts.

The appearance of Wukong really surprised them. They hadn't thought that Wukong could come to the central area of ​​the inner ring alone, and the aura revealed when he moved in space had already reached the late stage of the two-star half-honored middle-level .

This discovery made Ye Zihong and the other ten people tremble in their hearts. It must be the inheritance treasure. At this time, they all believed in their hearts that the inheritance treasure had been taken away by Wukong, otherwise they would not have improved so much in just over a hundred years. quick.

Before they came, they knew that when Wukong first joined Qingfeng Taoist Temple, his cultivation base was only the eighth level of Dao, and he had been promoted to the late stage of the two-star half-honored mid-level in such a short time. They would not believe that Wukong would be much better than them, they would only think that Wukong obtained the treasure inherited from the legendary Void Dao powerhouse, and this must be the only way to explain why Wukong improved so fast.

"It seems that he deliberately hid his cultivation level before, so the treasure must be on him. He must have discovered the monsters that are so far away before. He must have a powerful magic weapon. It's not that he has any special Supernatural powers." Xu Yi recalled all the past, and was even more sure that the inheritance treasure was on Wukong.

Wukong is well aware of the changes in the expressions of Ye Zihong and the others, as well as the imperceptible greed that flashes past the corners of their eyes.

As for the ten people from Ye Yang, they didn't know anything about Wukong before. They were only a little surprised when they found out that Wukong was so strong. It is necessary to win over.

They thought that Wukong should have a two-star and a half-star cultivation level when he first joined the academy. When he met Wukong before, Wukong should have hidden his cultivation level.

As for a group of people in the two groups of people who discovered Wukong, they were afraid of Wukong's arrival, and they were even planning something secretly.

However, Wukong didn't care. During this period of time, his cultivation had improved, and he had already mastered several powerful secret techniques. If he wanted to rob himself, he had to see if they had that kind of ability.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Sun Wukong!" As soon as Wukong appeared not far from the crowd, Ye Yang stood up and said to Wukong with a smile.

Although Ye Yang was smiling on the surface, his tone of voice was a bit condescending, as if he was asking a subordinate a question.

Regarding Ye Yang's arrogant attitude, Wukong chose to ignore it directly.

Without paying attention to anyone, Wukong walked directly to a location near the Huanzhen Tree, and stood there with his eyes closed.

"Brother Ye asked you something, are you deaf?" Seeing that Wukong dared to ignore Ye Yang, and at the same time seeing other people looking at the show, he immediately angered Ye Yang's family members. Ye Zihong, No. 1 in the Inner Court Tiangang Ranking.

Immediately, Ye Zihong's body erupted with a powerful law of thunder power, this is the real and complete law power, the law power of the mid-entry Huang level, in an instant, the infinite law of thunder force rolled towards Wukong fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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