Chapter 785 Let You Not Die ([-])

"Zihong, that's enough." Seeing that Ye Zihong still wanted to continue arguing with Shen Qiusheng, Ye Yang finally stopped talking. Although Wukong ignored him, which made him a little embarrassed and lost face, he also wanted to put Wukong aside. to death.

But after thinking about it, now is not the time, at least not in front of outsiders, otherwise it will not be his personal face, it will be the face of their entire Qingfeng Town.

The infighting among the people in one's own camp will only make people in other towns laugh at them and have a bad influence on Qingfeng Town.

"Qiu Sheng." The only young man in white who stood side by side with Ye Yang in Qingfeng Town said to Shen Qiusheng lightly, signaling that enough was enough.

This person is also from the Shen family, named Shen Peng. He is much younger than Ye Yang. After tempering in this secret realm, he finally broke through to the mid-stage cultivation base of the three-star half-honored, equal to Ye Yangping.

His talent is very strong, and his cultivation speed is fast, even stronger than his ancestors. Ye Yang is already a top genius in Qingfeng Town. He is two years younger than Ye Yang, but now he is on the same level as him. Think about his talent How strong.

Ye Zihong didn't disobey Ye Yang's words, and didn't go to quarrel with Shen Qiusheng again, and then said to Wukong in private: "Boy, you are lucky this time, you offended us, and don't want to have a good life in the future. I will spare you from dying, and hand over the treasure to me later."

Wukong's eyes suddenly opened, and then Wukong stood up slowly, turned sideways, Wukong's eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at the direction of Ye Zihong and his group.

Then a faint voice came from Wukong's mouth: "Forgive me not to die? You, you don't have that ability yet."

Suddenly, Wukong's eyes burst into two golden lights, piercing the space and hitting Ye Zihong directly.

Ye Zihong didn't expect Wukong to attack him suddenly, and instinctively waved his hand and made a big palm print towards the void, trying to block Wukong's attack.

But what Ye Zihong never imagined was that the two golden rays of light pierced through the big palm print without stopping, and hit him directly the next moment.

Seeing that Ye Zihong was about to be hit, suddenly a blue brilliance erupted from Ye Zihong's body, and a body armor appeared on Ye Zihong's body.

"Pfft." Although the powerful magic weapon on Ye Zihong's body blocked the attack, the powerful counter-shock force also made Ye Zihong spit out a mouthful of blood.

This sudden change immediately made all the people present look at Wukong in surprise, except for the group of people who saw Wukong's expression of fear.

"Sun Wukong, you are looking for death." Ye Zihong was hit by this blow, and he was extremely angry. He didn't expect that he would be injured by a sneak attack by a newcomer.

He thinks that Wukong wounded him while he was not prepared to sneak attack, which makes him very embarrassed.

He didn't think about the power of Wukong's blow just now, even if he couldn't easily use it, he still regarded Wukong as a weak person whose strength was far inferior to his own.

"Sun Wukong, it's fine that you were disrespectful before, but now you dare to sneak up on the senior. Your crime is unforgivable. Zihong, you will take him down. After the competition, take him back and hand him over to the dean for punishment." Wukong injured Ye Zihong, Ye Yang could no longer tolerate it.

Of course, in order to show his generosity, he will not kill Wukong directly for the time being, but take Wukong first, and he must do enough superficial skills. When he is separated from the people in other towns, he will not be left behind in whatever he wants to do with Wukong What's the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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