Chapter 794 Pressure
Of course, it is impossible for the five major forces to reveal the purpose of sealing off the Illusory Secret Realm and examining the reasons for those who have entered the Illusory Realm to mine resources within a hundred years.

After all, such a treasure as the Huanzhen Pagoda, even those powerful forces in Wangcheng would be jealous.Therefore, they just claimed that a certain child of their family was seriously injured by a group of people in the Illusory Secret Realm, and took away the treasure from that child, and those people had changed their faces, so they had to conduct a memory search one by one.

Their actions of course triggered protests from various forces, and no one wanted to be searched for their memories, even if they hadn't done it.

However, it was suppressed by the five major forces. After all, in this world where strength is the most important thing, the weak must obey what the strong say, even if their demands are unreasonable.

In this county, no force or person has ever dared to oppose any of their five major forces, especially this time when their five major forces united, and everyone's resistance was quickly suppressed.

After all, the inspection is only for the younger generation below the Supreme Dao Status among them. As long as they don’t endanger those powerful people with the Supreme Dao Status, they will give up resistance. Anyway, those young people who have not reached the Supreme Dao Status, They will not know the core secrets of the family or power, so they will not have much loss.

Due to the compromise of various forces, the young children who have survived the century-old exploration of the unreal secret realm are the ones who suffer the most. When they think that their secrets will soon be found out by others, they feel angry and aggrieved in their hearts.

What about anger?The Supreme Dao powerhouses behind them can't resist the five major forces. What can they do, they can only obediently let the people sent by the five major forces investigate.

Things have come to this, the only thing they are thankful for is that only five people came to explore their memories, and they also promised to not reveal some of their privacy, this kind of thinking is not the sad self-comfort of the weak.

In fact, they also thought about resisting, but they also resisted before. It was a disciple of a powerful casual cultivator, but he was directly suppressed and killed. Even the powerful Supreme Dao casual cultivator was also implicated. Work together to kill.

In this way, the remaining disciples of the few powerful casual cultivators did not dare to act rashly, and those of the big forces and big families did not dare to resist. once.

In this way, panic spread in the Realm of Illusion.

Regarding the actions of the five major forces and the panic of everyone, Wukong will not know for the time being, because he is still practicing in the Illusory Tower. 100 years have passed, and he has just entered the third floor not long ago, which means that he has already proved Got three and a half stars.

Although in just 100 years, breaking through from a two-star half-star to a three-star half-star is much stronger than those Tianjiao in the county. After all, those Tianjiao not only have a lot of high-level resources outside for them to practice, but they have also practiced for countless years.

Of course, the speed of Wukong's practice is so fast, which has a lot to do with the Huanzhen Tower.

However, Wukong was not complacent about it, because he learned not long ago that Zixia had already attained the Supreme Dao Status and had already left Qingfeng Town, and from his contact with Zixia, he learned that after Zixia reached the ten-star half-star Those who have broken through to the Supreme Dao Fruit Status.

This really shocked Wukong. He didn't expect that the little girl who used to pester him every day and said that he liked him suddenly became so powerful. The speed of practice was astonishingly fast, and she actually became the Supreme Dao after reaching ten stars and a half. Yes, I don't know how she did it.

Before Zixia leaves, she informs Wukong that she will go to Tianjianzong in Tianjian Starfield to find her.

It's okay for Zixia to become so powerful suddenly, even Yun Xuanling's three people suddenly became faster than the sky. Although they are far behind Zixia, they are much stronger than him.

Because of the control of the Illusion Tower, he didn't contact Yun Xuanling and the others, and Wukong knew which floor they were on.

Now Yun Xuanling has entered the seventh floor of the Illusionary Tower for more than a year, Qi Yanfeng has also entered the fourth floor for more than three years, and even Zhang Yi has initially entered the third floor.

This made Wukong suddenly feel pressured. Of course, they became stronger, and Wukong was also very happy for them.

(End of this chapter)

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