Chapter 796 Leave
"Well, I kept you waiting for a long time." Wukong nodded and said, long after Qi Yanfeng and Zhang Yi both entered the Illusory Realm Tower, Wukong controlled the Illusory Realm Tower to the deepest part of the Illusory Realm.

One is to prevent being discovered, although the possibility of this is almost zero, because the magic tower has a strong hiding ability.The second is because there is a mine in the depths of the Illusory Realm, and that mine is completely constructed of the highest and most perfect Illusory Stones.

The Illusionary Tower can smelt the Illusory Stone and turn it into gas for the four of Wukong to absorb. It can maximize the function of the Illusory Stone and maximize the understanding of Wukong and others. In this way, it will be easier for them to comprehend those Dawei in the Illusory Tower.

The reason why cultivation in the Illusory Realm Pagoda is faster is because the Illusory True Pagoda can melt the Illusory True Stone to improve the comprehension of the practitioners inside, otherwise the comprehension is not enough, and these Daowei are useless.

The magic stone that the five major forces used to open the illusion tower was actually smelted into gas by the illusion tower for the children of the five forces to absorb.

In the depths, of course, it is not necessary for Wukong to control the Huanzhen Tower to mine and refine the Huanzhen Stone. Xiao Huan (the name Wukong gave the Huanzhen Stone) can control the Huanzhen Tower. Wukong still puts all his thoughts on cultivation.

The three of Yunxuanling have indeed been waiting for a long time, especially Yunxuanling has been certified as a ten-star half-honored limit for more than 600 years, and now Yunxuanling has his own Dao Seal of Nothingness. already got it.

His Dao Seal of Nothingness is a kind of inheritance, it is the inheritance Dao Seal of his race, and it was awakened when he became half-honored.

Therefore, Yun Xuanling has been able to prove the Supreme Dao Status a long time ago, but this illusionary secret realm has restrictions, he cannot prove the Supreme Dao Status here, so during this time he has been using the Illusory True Stone to comprehend the imaginary Dao Seal the mystery.

As for Qi Yanfeng and Zhang Yi, they also attained the peak stage of the ten-star half-honored limit more than 400 years ago and more than 300 years ago. During this time, they have been comprehending their own seal of nothingness.

They have no chance to obtain the ready-made Dao Seal of Void now, and they can only comprehend the Dao Seal of Void by themselves. savvy.

After the phantom stone has improved their understanding to a certain extent, it cannot be improved permanently. Even the highest phantom stone can only be improved for a short time, but there are limitations. Even so, it is very good. Their current understanding is already very good Taller.

Of course, the upper limit of each of them is also different.

After so many years, Qi Yanfeng has gained a little bit, but he hasn't fully realized it yet.

"It's time to leave." Now he has certified the ten-star half-deity's ultimate peak stage, and the power of all attributes has reached this level, as well as some of his other holy bodies, even his other two holy bodies that are still in Qingfeng Town Through the connection with his body, he has also set foot on this level, so Wukong came out.

Now Wukong's strength is by no means comparable to that of the ordinary ten-star half-honored extreme peak stage.

After Wukong stepped into this realm, another unexpected news appeared, that is, the Huanzhen Pagoda has opened a second practice holy place, which is a holy place for the cultivation of the Supreme Dao Fruit Status, and the Huanzhen Pagoda is closely related to the Huanzhen Secret Realm.

After the opening of the second practice holy land of the Illusion Tower, the Illusion Tower also activated a new ability, which is to control the entire Illusion Realm and bring the Illusion Realm into the inner space of the Illusion Tower. In this way, The entire fantasy realm is his own.

Thinking of this, Wukong's blood boils with enthusiasm. In this way, he can cultivate a large number of strong people, and those people in his Monkey King universe can quickly improve their strength. Entered this primordial sanctuary like them.

Even if that possibility is very small, he still has to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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