Chapter 804 Competition
"Hmph, I know you envy us for having such a powerful force as Chiyangmen as our backer. In today's turbulent era, your Zhang family will soon become dust in history, and our Wang family will only become stronger." Wang Zihong snorted coldly. For Zhang Yunxiao's cynicism, he only thought that the other party was envious and jealous of their Wang family.

Chiyangmen is far stronger than their royal family, and they are not ashamed at all to take refuge in them. On the contrary, they will be proud of it, because they have climbed up to be backed by a force that is much stronger than them.

"Whether we will become the dust of history is not up to you. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude. Don't forget that our strength is almost the same as that of your Wang family. Even if you have the help of Chiyangmen, But in today's turbulent era, how much can they do to help your Wang family, so if you want to destroy us, you will pay a heavy price." Even if the opponent is stronger than the Zhang family now, Zhang Yutai will not lose his momentum .

"That's right, the sons of our Zhang family are not cowards. If we really want to fight, we will not be afraid of your Wang family. Am I right, sons." Zhang Yunxiao shouted proudly to the Zhang family camp behind.

"Zhang Jia would rather die than surrender, Zhang Jia Erlang is definitely not a coward." Zhang Yutai and others were infected, and the Zhang family's children shouted in unison with enthusiasm.

"Papa papa!" Suddenly there was a burst of applause, the applause contained a powerful power of the Dao, directly overwhelming the shouts of everyone in the Zhang family.

Following the applause, everyone's eyes quickly turned to a middle-aged man in brocade clothes standing beside Wang Zihong.

Seeing this person applauding, all the children of the Zhang family stopped shouting, and then stared nervously at the middle-aged man.

The Zhang family has known the identity of this person for a long time. It is one of the three Dzogchen powerhouses sent by the Chiyang Sect to help the Wang family. He is also the leader of the three Dzogchen powerhouses. His name is Qiu Peng. The very powerful Dao Dzogchen powerhouse is at least stronger than the three ancestors of the Zhang family and the four ancestors of the Wang family.

"Okay, okay." After the applause stopped, Qiu Peng said three more good words, and then continued after a pause: "Courage is commendable, but it hits a stone with an egg. The three of us can completely destroy your entire Zhang family, and it is purely wishful thinking that you would rather die and drag a few backs."

Seeing the gradually changing expressions of Zhang Yutai and others, Qiu Peng was quite satisfied. Everything was under his control. The three of them could indeed destroy the entire Zhang family, but they would also pay a heavy price.

If you don't pay that huge price and join hands with the four ancestors of the Wang family, although you can win, there is no guarantee that you can win completely. They don't know if the Zhang family has any cards, so they decided to use another method to get Lihuo Lingzhi.

So Qiu Peng changed the subject, "But! Our Chiyangmen will not do that kind of robbery, and the Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum is about to mature, so let's set a match. How about a one-on-one fight between two players, and the winner of two out of three rounds will get Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum? Fair enough, right?"

"This!" Zhang Yutai didn't agree immediately, but was thinking about countermeasures.

This sounds fair, but it's not fair at all. First of all, the Lihuo Ganoderma was found in the Zhang family's territory, and it belonged to them. Why should they compete with outsiders for the right to own the Lihuo Ganoderma?Secondly, the opponents are not only the Wang family sending people to compete with them, but also the more powerful Chiyangmen experts. Zhang Yutai and the others have a very low chance of winning if they fight alone.

But in this world where the strong are respected, especially in this turbulent era, what about unfairness?No one will do anything to them. Now Zhang Yutai is very entangled in his heart. If there is no match, he will go to war directly, so the Zhang family may no longer exist.

In the competition, almost [-]% of Lihuo Ganoderma will be lost, and after the Wang family becomes stronger with the help of Chiyangmen, their Zhang family will only be suppressed by the Wang family.

(End of this chapter)

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