Chapter 823 Betrayal
In the end, Zhang Yutai and others decided to go back to save people, and they rescued people very smoothly this time. They secretly returned to the vicinity of Zhang's house and found no one monitoring Zhang's house.

There was no trace of someone using spells to spy on the Zhang family. Even so, they sneaked back to the Zhang family very cautiously, and then quietly sent the Zhang family children into their own universe.

After all, the people they offended were much stronger than them. It was possible to spy on the Zhang family without being discovered by them.

As a result, what they didn't expect was that their rescue operation was very smooth, and no one stopped them, and no one was found to be tracking them.

In this way, everyone fled to a very remote hiding place provided by Yunying.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seems that they didn't take us seriously at all, and they didn't worry that we would go back to rescue people and escape." At this time, Zhang Yutai and others were drinking and chatting in the hidden place provided by Yunying. Provided, Zhang Yunxiao said self-deprecatingly after taking a sip of wine.

"I always feel that this matter is not that simple. We really went very smoothly this time." Zhang Yutai always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with saving people this time, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Don't think about it so much, anyway, we have rescued the person now, and he is safe now." Yunying said.

"Yes, brother, we are safe now, so don't think so much." Zhang Junqian also persuaded.

"Well, maybe I'm thinking too much, okay, don't think about it, let's continue drinking." Zhang Yutai picked up the glass and continued to drink with Yunying and others.

"To be honest, Yunying, this wine of yours is pretty good, it actually contains the Supreme Way. If I drink it often, I feel that I can better comprehend the Supreme Way and improve the power of the Supreme. I didn't expect that we just became Supreme. , you can actually get so many good wines that are useful for Supreme Dao cultivation." Zhang Yunxiao said to Yunying while drinking.

It is also a chance for them to become the Supreme Dao. They obtained the seal of the void more than 1000 years ago, and it took nearly 1000 years to prove the Supreme Dao. Therefore, it has only been a few hundred years since they became the Supreme Dao.

A few hundred years is very short for ascetics. In just a few hundred years, they have not obtained many elixir and pills that are useful for the cultivation of the Supreme Dao. Unexpectedly, even Zhang Yutai and the others were very surprised, but they didn't think much about it.

"It's just a fluke, haha." Yunying laughed loudly, as if to cover up something, Yunying immediately changed the subject: "Yunxiao, why did you think that Monkey King was here before?"

Before Wukong returned to the Zhang family to change his identity, the three ancestors of the Zhang family did not tell anyone else, so Yunying and another Zhang family elder did not know that Wukong was the mysterious Wu Sheng of the Qitian Temple, so not only Yunying was curious Why did Zhang Yunxiao say that it would be good if Wukong was here? Even the elder Zhang was very curious.

"This." Zhang Yunxiao was asked like this, and suddenly didn't know how to answer. After all, he knew that Wukong changed his identity because he didn't want others to know his identity, but Yunying was not an outsider. Shared troubles with them, and brought out so many good wines for them to drink.

"Third brother, Yunying is not an outsider, so it's okay to tell him. Anyway, here are all our own people. In fact, Wu Sheng is a fellow Taoist of Monkey King." Zhang Yutai thinks that Yunying and another elder of the Zhang family who is the supreme Taoist should know Wukong's identity is also nothing.

"Wu Sheng is a fellow Taoist of Monkey King. He has become so strong? What happened to the Qitian Temple? Could it be that he became stronger quickly after joining that Qitian Temple?" Yun Ying was shocked, and originally planned to change the subject , I asked casually, but I didn't expect to find out big news.

"Qi Tian Dian is actually the temporary name obtained by fellow Daoist Wukong in order to frighten the Heavenly-level Golden Armored Guards in the Mayor's Mansion. In fact, there is no Qi Tian Temple that can compete with the mysterious power of the Mayor's Mansion. As for why Wu Kong became so strong, it may be because of his chances. Let's go!" Zhang Yutai explained.

"So that's how it is." Yun Ying suppressed the excitement in her heart, and secretly sent a message to a certain person.

In this way, Zhang Yutai and the others continued to drink and chat.

"It's almost time." Suddenly, Yunying stood up and said coldly.

"Yunying, when is it almost time? What's going on? Why can't I activate the supreme power? There is poison in the wine? Yunying, could it be you? Why?" Zhang Yutai didn't understand what Yunying said, and suddenly he found that his body There was a problem, and he couldn't use the Supreme Power, so he understood the meaning of Yunying's words, but he couldn't believe that Yunying would do that.

Hearing what Zhang Yutai said, the three of Zhang Junqian also hurriedly checked their bodies, only to find that they could no longer use the supreme power, so they all turned their puzzled eyes to the suddenly strange cloud shadow.

"Haha, did you just find out? It's too late. I've been waiting for this day for a long time, and you finally fall into my hands." Yunying laughed loudly, as if she had become a completely different person. Brothers who shared weal and woe suddenly betrayed everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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