Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 828 The Strong Enemy Attacks

Chapter 828 The Strong Enemy Attacks
Looking at everything in front of them, Zhang Yutai and others felt a little unreal.

"Didn't we enter the illusion? Is all this real?" Looking at the luxurious building in front of them, Zhang Yutai and others said in disbelief.

In fact, the main reason is not that the materials used in the building are superior to Zhang Yutai and others, but that the building here is the territory of the Shangguan family, which ranks third among the top ten forces in Qingfeng Town, and has now been occupied by Wukong and others.

"This is the temporary base of the Qitian Temple." Not long ago, Wukong defeated the strongest member of the Shangguan family and issued a surrender to the Shangguan family.

Because Wukong did not coerce or lure, the Shangguan family refused and was expelled from the Shangguan family's territory by Wukong.

Although Wukong defeated the strongest member of the Shangguan family, the Shangguan family did not think that Wukong was the opponent of the Ye family and the Shen family. The strongest person is the strongest person at the third-order peak of the Supreme Dao.

As for the strongest member of the Shen family, it is rumored that he has already attained the peak of the third-order peak of the Supreme Dao. The strength of the strongest member of the Shen family has always been a mystery. The Ye family did not lose the slightest bit in their struggle, and they maintained a two-hero rivalry with the Shen family.

"Brother Wukong, what level is your current realm?" After entering the territory of the Shangguan family, Zhang Yutai asked Wukong suspiciously. I am curious about how high Wukong's realm is.

Because the gap became very large, Zhang Yutai's name for Wukong changed again.

"The first-order peak of Supreme Dao." Wukong didn't intend to hide it, after all, as long as he was fighting, his realm would be exposed.

"What? The peak of the first level of Supreme Dao? You actually defeated the powerhouse of the late third level of Supreme Dao. You are really a monster! It is really lucky for Yi Er to follow you! I didn't expect Yi Er to be so powerful now. "Zhang Yutai and the others were very shocked, but in their eyes at this time, Wukong was also a monster-level genius.

They will not underestimate Wukong just because Zhang Yi's realm is higher than Wukong's now, because Wukong's combat power cannot be measured by realm at all. At this time, they think that the reason why Wukong's realm is lower than Zhang Yi's may be because of the force cultivation method he practiced. It is very difficult to improve, after all, it is definitely not easy to practice the strength cultivation technique that can bring such a powerful combat power.

What Zhang Yutai and others guessed is also close to the truth, because Wukong spent a lot of time to break through the limit and integrate all the powers. After the breakthrough, Wukong's improvement also became slower. Not only the power of strength cultivation, but also no clones to practice together.

After entering the territory of the Shangguan family, Wukong did not intend to transform the territory of the Shangguan family into the base of Qitian Temple. After all, it was only for temporary use, and Wukong believed that they would move to other places soon, and soon the Shen family There will be some action.

Wukong's guess was right, because it didn't take long, even before the news that Shangguan's house was occupied by Wukong was fully spread, a powerful enemy attacked.

The person who came was Ye Yang, the strongest member of the Ye family. The Shangguan family has now taken refuge in the Ye family. The Shangguan family is occupied by Wukong. The Ye family must stand up and put on a show, not to mention that he still knows some details about Wukong.

Ye Yang was shocked and delighted to know that Wukong was still alive, after Wu Sheng from Qitian Temple, and that he had become so powerful now.

So he came, and he wanted to snatch the treasure from Wukong, and he had to do it as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad for him if Wukong became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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